Paper Publications
- [9] 江铭炎. Parallel Symbiotic Lion Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Latin Hypercube Distribution. 2022.
- [10] 江铭炎. Lion Swarm Optimization Based on Balanced Local and Global Search with Different Distributions. 2021.
- [11] 江铭炎. Reinforcement Lion Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Tool Wear Prediction. 2021.
- [12] 李素芳. Adaptive sub-channel allocation based on hopfield neural network for multiuser OFDM. PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE PROCESSING, CVIP 2016, VOL 1, 215, 243-252, 2012.
- [13] 孙健. An Open Access 44 MIMO Testbed and its Validation with an IEEE 802.11n WLAN System. China Communications Journal, 11, 64-71, 2014.
- [14] 江铭炎. An Improved Lion Swarm Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning. 2021.
- [15] 江铭炎. Tabu Annealing Lion Swarm Optimization Algorithm. 2021.
- [16] 江铭炎. Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm Based on Improved Lion Swarm Optimization Algorithm. 2021.
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