Jianwen Li
Associate Professor
Personal Information:
  • Name (English):
    Jianwen Li
  • Name (Pinyin):
    Li Jianwen
  • E-Mail:
  • Date of Employment:
  • School/Department:
    School of Economics, Shandong University
  • Education Level:
    Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
  • Gender:
  • Degree:
    Doctoral Degree in Economics
  • Status:
  • Alma Mater:
    Shandong University
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Honors and Titles:

2022-01-01    山东省第三十五届社会科学优秀成果三等奖;
2021-10-20    山东省优秀博士学位论文;
2020-05-27    山东省优秀毕业生;
2020-08-01    山东省优秀学生;
2019-12-01    山东大学校长奖;

I am a Research Associate Professor of Finance at the School of Economics, Shandong University. I hold a Ph.D. in Economics from Shandong University. 

Research Interests

Debt-based crowdfunding

Big Data Analysis

Inclusive finance

Email: jianwenli@sdu.edu.cn or jianwenli@email.sdu.edu.cn

  • 2015-9 — 2020-6
    Shandong University
    Ph.D. in Economics
  • 2018-9 — 2019-10
    National University of Singapore
    Visiting Ph.D. student
  • 2015-9 — 2017-8
    Shandong University
    Operational Research and Cybernetics
    Study as Master's Candidates
  • 2010-9 — 2014-6
    Shandong University
    Applied Mathematics
    B.A. in Science
Research direction

1. Li, J. , Zhou, Y.  and Hu, J.. Unpacking the effects of scams in marketplace lending: investor confidence and attention .Journal of Applied Economics.2024,27 (1)

2. Li, J. , Zhang, B. , Jiang, M.  and Hu, J.. Homophilous intensity in the online lending market: Bidding behavior and economic effects .Journal of Banking and Finance.2023 (152)

3. Li, J. , Zhou, Y. , Hu, J.  and Guo, F.. Local bias versus home bias: Evidence from debt-based crowdfunding .Applied Economics.2023 (forthcoming)

4. Li, J.. MSMEs meet FinTech: Chance or challenge? .Finance Research Letters.2023 (57)

5. Li, J.  and Hu, J.. Migrants and default: Evidence from China .INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCE.2022

6. Li, J. , Zhang, X.  and Hu, J.. Strategic co-funding in informal finance market: evidence from China .Journal of Applied Economics.2021,24 (1):329-349

7. Li, J.  and Hu, J.. Does university reputation matter? Evidence from peer-to-peer lending .Finance Research Letters.2019,31 :66-77

8. Fu, J. , Li, J. , Niu, Y. , Wang, G.  and Wu, J.. Multipolarization versus unification in community networks .Future Generation Computer Systems.2018,83 :453-460

9. Hu, J. , Li, J.  and Zhang, B.. P2P网络借贷是否实现了普惠金融目标 .世界经济.2018,41 (11):169-192

10. Hu, J.  and Li, J.. 信贷市场存在行业歧视吗——以P2P网络借贷为例的研究 .财贸经济.2019,40 (7):36-51

11. Hu, J.  and Li, J.. “双创”背景的新型金融模式: 解构P2P网络借贷 .改革.2018 (3):74-89

12. Li, J.  and Hu, J.. 借款人VS网络借贷平台:利率定价机制孰优孰劣? .东岳论丛.2019,40 (2):73-84

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