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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
·代表论著(selected publications)
一. 金融经济学
1. Larry G. Epstein and Shaolin Ji, Ambiguous Volatility and Asset Pricing in Continuous Time, The Review of Financial Studies, 26 (7): 1740-1786, 2013.
2. Carole Bernard, Shaolin Ji and Weidong Tian, An optimal insurance design problem under Knightian uncertainty, Decisions in economics and finance, 36(2): 99-124, 2013.
3. Larry G. Epstein and Shaolin Ji, Ambiguous volatility, possibility and utility in continuous time, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 50: 269-282, 2014.
4. Shaolin ji, Li Li and Jianjun Miao, Dynamic Contracts with Learning Under Ambiguity, Preprint (download), 2016.
5. Larry G. Epstein and Shaolin Ji, Optimal learning under robustness and time-consistency, Preprint (download), 2018.
二. 倒向随机微分方程和非线性期望
1. Shaolin Ji and Shige Peng, Terminal perturbation method for the backward approach to continuous time mean-variance portfolio selection, Stochastic processes and their Applications, 118(6): 952-967, 2008.
2. Shaolin Ji and Xun Yu Zhou, A generalized Neyman–Pearson lemma under g-probabilities, Probability theory and related fields, 148: 645-669, 2010.
3. Shaolin Ji, Dual method for continuous-time Markowitz’s problems with nonlinear wealth equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 366: 90-100, 2010.
4. Mingshang Hu, Shaolin Ji, Shige Peng, Yongsheng Song, Backward stochastic differential equations driven by G-Brownian motion, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 124(1): 759–784, 2014.
5. Mingshang Hu, Shaolin Ji, Shige Peng, Yongsheng Song, Comparison theorem, Feynman–Kac formula and Girsanov transformation for BSDEs driven by G-Brownian motion, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 124(2): 1170–1195, 2014.
三. 随机优化
1. Shaolin Ji and Xun Yu Zhou, A maximum principle for stochastic optimal control with terminal state constraints, and its applications, A special issue dedicated Tyrone Duncan on the occation of his 65th birthday, Communications in Information and Systems, 6(4): 321-338, 2006.
2. Mingshang Hu, Shaolin Ji and Shuzhen Yang A Stochastic Recursive Optimal Control Problem Under the G-expectation Framework,Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 70(2): 253-278, 2014.
3. Mingshang Hu and Shaolin Ji Stochastic maximum principle for stochastic recursive optimal control problem under volatility uncertainty, SIAM J. CONTROL OPTIM.,54(2):918-945, 2016.
4. Mingshang Hu and Shaolin Ji, Dynamic programming principle for stochastic recursive optimal control problem driven by a G-Brownian motion, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 127 (2017) 107–1.
5. Mingshang Hu, Shaolin Ji and Xiaole Xue, A Global stochastic maximum principle for fully coupled forward-backward stochastic systems, SIAM J. CONTROL OPTIM.,56(6): 4309-4335, 2018.