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more+- [1] 李梦天. Grouting Reinforcement of Shallow and Small Clearance Tunnel. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 30, 2609, 2022.
- [2] 李梦天. Enhanced geothermal system productivity analysis of a well-group in a limited area based on the flow field split method. Environmental Earth Sciences, 80, 2022.
- [3] 李梦天. Research on Permeation Grouting Mechanism Considering Gravity in the Treatment of Mud Inrush Disaster. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 30, 1, 2021.
- [4] limengtian, lishucai, zhangxiao and zhangqingsong. 挤压式偏心回转泵试验研究. 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》, 2020.
- [5] limengtian and zhangxiao. Effect of pH value on the growth and properties of magnesium phosphate cement paste with a large water-to-solid fraction. ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCH, 2020.
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