所属院部: 海洋学院
  • 教师拼音名称:
    Li Ping
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2015年 中国水产科学研究院“院5511人才工程百名科技英才培育计划”人选;
2010年 国家留学基金委颁发的国家优秀自费留学生奖学金;

近年来主要致力于河流及近海水环境污染物分布特征、典型污染物对水生生物潜在的毒性效应及分子机制、以及生态修复等研究。曾先后主持国家自然基金、捷克自然基金、科技部重点研发计划子任务、山东省自然基金、中央院所基本科研业务费等多项课题。发表学术论文100余篇,其中第一作者(或通讯作者)70余篇,参编中英文专著4部,获得授权发明专利3项。担任BioMed Research InternationalFrontiers in Environmental Science专刊客座编辑,以及Journal of Hazardous MaterialsScience of the Total EnvironmentEnvironmental Pollution等本领域多个主流期刊的独立审稿人。


1.  Li, P.#, Zeng, B.H.#, He, S.W., Liu, B., Chen, C.Z., Feng, J.X., Liu, L., Li, Z.H.* 2025.Sex-specific effects of triphenyltin on gut microbiota and intergenerational effects in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 485, 136924. 

2.  Li, P.#, Liu, B.#, He, S.W., Liu, L., Li, Z.H.* 2025. Transgenerational neurotoxic effects of triphenyltin on marine medaka: Impaired dopaminergic system function. Environmental Pollution, 366, 125456. 

3.  Li, P.#, Chen, C.Z.#, Wang, J.X., Liu, L., Li, Z.H.* 2024. Ecological influences of sulfadiazine on rhizosphere soil microbial communities in ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)-soil potting systems: perspectives on diversity, co-occurrence networks, and assembly processes. Science of The Total Environment, 955,177324. 

4.  Li, P.#, Yin, M.H.#, Wang, X., Jia, R.L., Chen, C.Z., Liu, B., Liu, Y.W., Zeng, B.H., Li, T.Z., Liu, L., Song, H.J., Li, Z.H.* 2024. Effects of single or combined exposure to tralopyril and ocean acidification on energy metabolism response and sex development in Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 209, 117209. 

5.  Wang, C.L., Li, P.*, Liu, B., Ma, Y. Q., Feng, J.X., Xu, Y.N.N., Liu, L., Li, Z.H.* 2024. Decrypting the skeletal toxicity of vertebrates caused by environmental pollutants from an evolutionary perspective: From fish to mammals. Environmental Research, 255, 119173. 

6.  Wang, J.X., Li, P.*, Chen, C.Z., Liu, L., Li, Z.H.* 2024. Biodegradation of sulfadiazine by ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in a soil system: Analysis of detoxification mechanisms, transcriptome, and bacterial communities. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 462, 132811. 

7.  Zhang, S.Q.#, Li, P.#, He, S.W., Xing, S.Y., Cao, Z.H., Zhao, X.L., Sun, C.C., Li, Z.H.* 2023. Combined effect of microplastic and triphenyltin: Insights from gut-brain axis. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 16, 100266. 

8.  Li, P., Chen, C.Z., Zhao, X.L., Liu, L., Li, Z.H.* 2023. Metagenomics analysis reveals the effects of norfloxacin on the gut microbiota of juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Chemosphere, 325, 138389. 

9.  Cao, Z.H.#, Li, P.#, Ru, J.C., Cao, X.Q., Wang, X., Liu, B., Li, Z.H.* 2023. Physiological responses of marine Chlorella sp. exposed to environmental levels of triphenyltin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 26387–26396. 

10.  He, S.W.#, Li, P.#, Liu, L., Li, Z.H.* 2023. NMR technique revealed the metabolic interference mechanism of the combined exposure to cadmium and tributyltin in grass carp larvae. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 17828–17838. 

11.  Zhang, S.Q.#, Li, P.#, He, S.W., Xing, S.Y., Cao, Z.H., Zhao, X.L., Sun, C.C., Li, Z.H.* 2023. Assessing the ecotoxicity of combined exposure to triphenyltin and norfloxacin at environmental levels: a case study of immunotoxicity and metabolic regulation in Carp (Cyprinus carpio). Chemosphere, 313,137381. 

12.  Zhang, S.Q.#, Zhao, X.L.#, He, S.W., Xing, S.Y., Cao, Z.H., Li, P.*, Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Effects of long-term exposure of norfloxacin on the HPG and HPT axes in juvenile common carp. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 44513–44522. 

13.  Cao, X.Q., He, S.W., Liu, B., Wang, X., Xing, S.Y., Cao, Z.H., Chen, C.Z., Li, P.*, Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Exposure to enrofloxacin and depuration: Endocrine disrupting effect in juvenile grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 257, 109358. 

14.  Wang, X.#, Li, P.#, He, S.W., Xing, S.Y., Cao, Z.H., Liu, B., Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Effects of tralopyril on histological, biochemical and molecular impacts in Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Chemosphere, 289, 133157. 

15.  Chen, C.Z.#, Li, P.#, Wang, W.B.*, Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Response of growth performance, serum biochemical parameters, antioxidant capacity, and digestive enzyme activity to different feeding strategies in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) under high-temperature stress. Aquaculture, 548, 737636. 

16.  Cao, Z.H.#, Li, P.#, Cao, X.Q., Wang, X., Liu, B., He, S.W., Gao, G., Lu, R.*, Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Reproductive toxicity of environmental levels of triphenyltin to the marine rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 254, 109272. 

17.  Liu, B.#, Li, P.#, He, S.W., Xing, S.Y., Cao, Z.H., Cao, X.Q., Wang, X., Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Effects of short-term exposure to tralopyril on physiological indexes and endocrine function in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), Aquatic Toxicology, 245, 106118. 

18.  Chen, C.Z.#, Li, P.#, Liu, L., Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of Chinese rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) larvae in response to acute waterborne cadmium or mercury stress. Aquatic Toxicology, 246, 106134. 

19.  Liu, B.#, Li, P.#, He, S.W., Xing, S.Y., Liu, L., Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Chronic exposure to Tralopyril induced abnormal growth and calcium regulation of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), Chemosphere, 299, 134405. 

20.  Zhao, X.L.#, Li, P.#, Qu, C.F., Lu, R.*, Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Phytotoxicity of environmental norfloxacin concentrations on the aquatic plant Spirodela polyrrhiza: evaluation of growth parameters, photosynthetic toxicity and biochemical traits. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 258, 109365. 

21.  Wang, X.#, Li, P.#, Cao, X.Q., Liu, B., He, S.W., Cao, Z.H., Xing, S.Y., Liu, L., Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Effects of ocean acidification and tralopyril on bivalve biomineralization and carbon cycling: a study of the Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas)   Environmental Pollution, 313, 120161. 

22.  Xing, S.Y.#, Li, P.#, He, S.W., Cao, Z.H., Wang X., Cao, X.Q., Liu, B., You, H., Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Physiological responses in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) induced by combined stress of environmental salinity and triphenyltin. Marine Environmental Research, 180, 105736. 

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