Cao, Z.H.#, Li, P.#, Cao, X.Q., Wang, X., Liu, B., He, S.W., Gao, G., Lu, R.*, Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Reproductive toxicity of environmental levels of triphenyltin to the marine rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 254, 109272
上一条:Chen, C.Z.#, Li, P.#, Wang, W.B.*, Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Response of growth performance, serum biochemical parameters, antioxidant capacity, and digestive enzyme activity to different feeding strategies in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) under high-temperature stress. Aquaculture, 548, 737636
下一条:Liu, B.#, Li, P.#, He, S.W., Xing, S.Y., Cao, Z.H., Cao, X.Q., Wang, X., Li, Z.H.*, 2022. Effects of short-term exposure to tralopyril on physiological indexes and endocrine function in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), Aquatic Toxicology, 245, 106118