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- [1,691] 薛翊国 , 李术才 , 张乐文 and 李滨. Deformation featuresand failure mechanism of steep rock slope under the mining activities andrain.... 2016.
- [1,692] 许振浩 , 李利平 and 李术才. 承压型隐伏溶洞突水灾变演化过程模型试验. 岩土力学, 2018.
- [1,693] 许振浩 , 张庆松 , 杨磊 , 张霄 , 孙怀凤 and 李术才. 隧道突水突泥致灾构造分类、地质判识、孕灾模式与典型案例分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2018.
- [1,694] 李术才. 隧道岩质围岩亚级分级可靠度分析方法及其工程应用. 岩土力学, 2018.
- [1,695] 张乾青 and 李术才. Gaussian process model of water inflow prediction in tunnel construction and its engineering appl.... Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 69, 155, 2017.
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- [1,697] 张霄 , 苏茂鑫 , 李术才 , 薛翊国 and 赵岩. Practice of comprehensive early-warning geological prediction on aquifer fault in Qingdao Kiaocho.... Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journ, 28, 2081, 2009.
- [1,698] 李利平 , 周宗青 , 石少帅 and 李术才. Mechanical mechanism and development trend of water-inrush disasters in karst tunnels. Lixue Xuebao, 49, 22, 2017.
- [1,699] 李术才. Rail network must protect giant pandas. Nature, 545, 289, 2017.
- [1,700] 沙飞 , 刘人太 , 李召峰 , 张庆松 and 李术才. Investigation of viscous behaviour and strength of microfine-cement-based grout mixed with microf.... ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCH, 29, 206, 2017.