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Theoretical Insight into the Au(I)-Catalyzed Intermolecular Condensation of Homopropargyl Alcohols with Terminal Alkynes: Reactant Stoichiometric Ratio-Controlled Chemodivergence


Affiliation of Author(s):化学与化工学院

Journal:The Journal of Organic Chemistry

First Author:杨一莹

Document Code:6FD982974D83474B9FC5845B4ED102A1


Number of Words:5

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-09-18

Pre One:Theoretical Insight into Ligand- and Counterion-Controlled Regiodivergent Reactivity in Synthesis of Borylated Furans: 1,2-H vs 1,2-B Migration

Next One:New insight into Cu-catalyzed borocarbonylative coupling reactions of alkenes with alkyl halides