刘建,男,博士,教授, 博士生导师,环境生态学研究所所长。1978年7月生,山东莱芜人。
地址:青岛市即墨区 滨海路72号,山东大学环境研究院,邮编:266237
E-mail: ecology@sdu.edu.cn
PloS ONE期刊学术编委(2014年6月~至今);
[1] 山东省环境保护科学技术奖(一等)(2015年,第三完成人)
[2] 国家环境保护科学技术奖二等奖(2014年,第六完成人)
[3] 山东省科技进步二等奖(2012年,第三完成人);
[4] 山东软科学优秀成果二等奖(2012年,第一完成人);
[5] 国家视频公开课”生态学与人类未来”第三负责人;
[6] 山东省高等教育教学成果奖(一等)(2014年,第八完成人);
[7] 山东大学研究生教育校级教学成果奖(二等)(2013年,第四完成人);
[8] 山东省研究生教育校级教学成果奖(二等)(2014年,第四完成人);
[9] 山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖(自然科学类,三等奖)( 2013年,第三完成人);
[10] 浙江省自然科学奖(三等)奖(2019年(2020年6月30日颁布),第五完成人);
在国内外学术期刊发表学术论文200余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在The Innovation,Water Research、Diversity and Distributions、Journal of Cleaner Production、Plant and Soil、Biological Invasions、Chemosphere、Science of the Total Environment、Ecological Indicators等主流学术期刊上发表SCI论文70余篇。代表性论文如下:
[1] Li C, Gillings M R, Zhang C, Chen Q, Zhu D, Wang J, Zhao K, Xu Q, Leung P H, Li X, Liu J*, Jin L*. 2024. Ecology and risks of the global plastisphere as a newly expanding microbial habitat. The Innovation, 5(1): 100543.
[2] Li C, Li X, Bank M, Fang JKH, Leusch FDL, Rillig M, Wang J, Wang L, Xu El, Yang Y, Zhang C, Zhu D, Liu J*, Jin L*. 2024. The “microplastome” – A holistic perspective to capture the real-world ecology of microplastics. Environmental Science & Technology, 58: 4060-4069.
[3] Fang J, Lyu T, Liu J, He S, Yang X, Dou H, Zhang H. 2024. Response of nitrogen cycling and related microorganisms to brackish wetlands formed by evapotranspiration. Pedosphere, 34: 252-266.
[4] Zhang H*, Huang B, Huang Y, Liu J*. 2024. High water levels and low light co-inhibit colonization of fragments from the clonal invader Alternanthera philoxeroides. Aquatic Botany, 192: 103749.
[5] Li C, Jin L, Zhang C, Li S, Zhou T, Hua Z, Wang L, Ji S, Wang Yi, Gan Y, Liu J*. 2023. Destabilized microbial networks with distinct performances of abundant and rare biospheres in maintaining networks under increasing salinity stress. iMeta, 2: e79.
[6] Zhao Y, Zheng G, Bo H, Wang Y, Dong J, Li C, Wang Y, Yan S, Liu K, Wang Z, Liu J*. 2023. Habitats generated by the restoration of coal mining subsidence land differentially alter the content and composition of soil organic carbon. PLoS ONE 18(2): e0282014.
[7] Wang Y, Wu F, Li X, Li C, Zhao Y, Gao Y, Liu J *. 2023. Effects of plants and soil microorganisms on organic carbon and the relationship between carbon and nitrogen in constructed wetlands. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30: 62249-62261.
[8] Chang M, Li M, Xu W, Li X, Liu J, Stoks R, Zhang C. 2023. Microplastics increases the heat tolerance of Daphnia magna under global warming via hormetic effects. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 249: 114416.
[9] Li M, Chang M, Li M, An Z, Zhang C, Liu J, He M. 2023.Ozone mechanism, kinetics, and toxicity studies of halophenols: Theoretical calculation combined with toxicity experiment. Science of The Total Environment, 858: 160101.
[10] Fang J, Tao Y, Liu J, Lyu T, Yang X, Ma S, Dong J, Dou H, Zhang H. 2023. Effects of emergent plants on soil carbon-fixation and denitrification processes in freshwater and brackish wetlands in a watershed in northern China. Geoderma, 430: 116311.
[11] Wang Y, Zheng G, Zhao Y, Bo H, Li C, Dong J, Wang Y, Yan S, Zhang F, Liu J. 2023. Different bacterial and fungal community patterns in restored habitats in coal-mining subsidence areas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30: 104304–104318.
[12] Yan S, Chen H, Quan Q, Liu J*. 2023. Evolution and coupled matching of ecosystem service supply and demand at different spatial scales in the Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration, China. Ecological Indicators,155: 111052.
[13] Chen H, Liu L, Wang L, Zhang X, Du Y, Liu J*. 2022. Key indicators of high-quality urbanization affecting eco-environmental quality in emerging urban agglomerations: Accounting for the importance variation and spatiotemporal heterogeneity. Journal of Cleaner Production, 376: 134087.
[14] Dong J, Wang W, Zhao D, Zhang C, Fang J, Wang L, Zhang Q, Liu J*. 2022. A novel organic carbon accumulation mechanism in croplands in the Yellow River Delta, China. Science of the Total Environment, 806: 150629.
[15] Li C, Du D, Gan Y, Ji S, Wang L, Chang M, Liu J*. 2022. Foliar dust as a reliable environmental monitor of heavy metal pollution in comparison to plant leaves and soil in urban areas. Chemosphere, 287: 132341.
[16] Chen H, Liu L, Fang J, Li C, Wang L, Quan Q, Liu J*. 2022. Spatio-temporal analysis of the coupling relationship between urbanization and eco-environment in backward regions of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29: 7406-7423.
[17] Ji S, Ren S, Li Y, Fang J, Zhao D, Liu J*. 2022. The response of net primary productivity to climate change and its impact on hydrology in a water-limited agricultural basin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29: 10277-10290.
[18] Dong J, Wang L, Quan Q, Zhang J, Li X, Zhao D, Fang J, Cao Q, Liu J*. 2022. Factors controlling soil organic carbon content in wetlands at multiple scales and assessment of the universality of estimation equations: A mega-data study. Science of The Total Environment, 827:154380.
[19] Li C, Bo H, Song B, Chen X, Cao Q, Yang R, Ji S, Wang L, Liu J*. 2022. Reshaping of the soil microbiome by the expansion of invasive plants: shifts in structure, diversity, co-occurrence, niche breadth, and assembly processes. Plant and Soil, 477: 629-646.
[20] Zhang X, Cao Q, Chen H, Quan Q, Li C, Dong J, Chang M, Yan S, Liu, J*. 2022. Effect of Vegetation Carryover and Climate Variability on the Seasonal Growth of Vegetation in the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yellow River Basin. Remote Sensing, 14: 5011.
[21] 张心茹,曹茜,季舒平,陈浩,张廷靖,刘建*. 2022. 气候变化和人类活动对黄河三角洲植被动态变化的影响. 环境科学学报,42(1):56-69.
[22] 刘建(主编). 2022. 黄河三角洲生物多样性及其生态服务功能. 济南:山东科学技术出版社.
[23] Li C, Wang L, Ji S, Chang M, Wang L, Gan Y, Liu J*. 2021. The ecology of the plastisphere: Microbial composition, function, assembly, and network in the freshwater and seawater ecosystems. Water Research, 202: 117428.
[24] Li C, Gan Y, Zhang C, He H, Fang J, Wang L, Wang Y, Liu J*. 2021. “Microplastic communities” in different environments: Differences, links, and role of diversity index in source analysis. Water Research, 188: 116574.
[25] Dong J, Quan Q, Zhao D, Li C, Zhang C, Chen H, Fang J, Wang L, Liu J*. 2021. A combined method for the source apportionment of sediment organic carbon in rivers. Science of the Total Environment, 752: 141840.
[26] Ji S, Ren S, Li Y, Dong J, Wang L, Quan Q, Liu J*. 2021. Diverse responses of spring phenology to preseason drought and warming under different biomes in the North China Plain. Science of the Total Environment, 766: 144437.
[27] Li Y, Yu Z, Ji S, Meng J, Kong Q, Wang R, Liu J*. 2021. Diverse drivers of phytoplankton dynamics in different phyla across the annual cycle in a freshwater lake. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 36(1): 13-29.
[28] Yang R, Dong J, Li C, Wang L, Quan Q, Liu J*. 2021. The decomposition process and nutrient release of invasive plant litter regulated by nutrient enrichment and water level change. PLoS ONE 16(5): e0250880.
[29] Fang J, Dong J, Li C, Chen H, Wang L, Lyu T, He H, Liu J*. 2021. Response of microbial community composition and function to emergent plant rhizosphere of a constructed wetland in northern China. Applied Soil Ecology, 168:104141.
[30] Wang L, Li C, Dong J,Quan Q, Liu J* 2021. Magnitudes and environmental drivers of greenhouse gas emissions from natural wetlands in China based on unbiased data. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,28: 44973-44986.
[31] Yang R, Fang J, Cao Q, Zhao D, Dong J, Wang R, Liu J*. 2021. The content, composition, and influencing factors of organic carbon in the sediments of two types of constructed wetlands. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28: 49206-49219.
[32] Li C, Gan Y, Dong J, Fang J, Chen H, Quan Q, Liu J*. 2020. Impact of microplastics on microbial community in sediments of the Huangjinxia Reservoir—water source of a water diversion project in western China. Chemosphere, 253: 126740.
[33] Li C, Quan Q, Gan Y, Dong J, Fang J, Wang L, Liu J*. 2020. Effects of heavy metals on microbial communities in sediments and establishment of bioindicators based on microbial taxa and function for environmental monitoring and management. Science of the Total Environment, 749: 141555.
[34] Li Y, Meng J, Zhang C, Ji S, Kong Q, Wang R, Liu J*. 2020. Bottom-up and top-down effects on phytoplankton communities in two freshwater lakes. PLoS ONE, 15: e0231357.
[35] Li Y, Wang H, Wang R, Zhang Y, Song M, Liu J*. 2020. Tradeoffs and time lag in ecosystem services during degradation and restoration processes in a freshwater lake region in northern China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 29: 1219-1228.
[36] Xu K, Wang R, Guo W, Yu Z, Sun R, Liu J*. 2020. Factors affecting community structures of benthic macroinvertebrates and microorganisms in Yellow River Delta wetlands: seasons, habitats, and interactions of organisms. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 20: 570-583.
[37] Yu Z, Wang H, Miao M, Kong Q, Quan Q, Wang R, Liu J*. 2020. Long-term monitoring of community succession in impoundment lake: responses of macroinvertebrate to South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Ecological Indicator
s, 118: 106734.
[38] Zhao D, Dong J, Ji S, Huang M, Quan Q, Liu J*. 2020. Effects of contemporary land use types and conversions from wetland to paddy field or dry land on soil organic carbon fractions. Sustainability, 12: 2094.
[39] Cao Q, Zhang H, Ma W, Wang R, Liu J*. 2020. Composition characteristics of organic matter and bacterial communities under the Alternanthera philoxeroide invasion in wetlands. Applied Sciences, 10: 5571.
[40] Dong J, Zhao D, Zhang C, Cao Q, Fang J, Yang R, Ji S, Li C, Zhao R, Liu J*. 2020. Factors controlling organic carbon distributions in a riverine wetland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27: 34529–34540.
[41] Fang J, Yang R, Cao Q, Dong J, Li C, Quan Q, Huang M, Liu J*. 2020. Differences of the microbial community structures and predicted metabolic potentials in the lake, river, and wetland sediments in Dongping Lake Basin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27: 19661-19677.
[42] Yang R, Li K, Fang J, Quan Q, Zhang C and Liu J*. 2020. The invasion of Alternanthera philoxeroides increased soil organic carbon in a river and a constructed wetland with different mechanisms. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 574528.
[43] Fang J, Zhao R, Cao Q, Quan Q, Sun R, Liu J*. 2019. Effects of emergent aquatic plants on nitrogen transformation processes and related microorganisms in a constructed wetland in northern China. Plant and Soil, 443: 473-492.
[44] Chen H, Xu L, Cao Q, Huang M, Song M, Quan Q, Liu J*.2019. Coupling and metabolic analysis of urbanization and environment between two resource-based cities in North China. PeerJ 7:e6869
[45] Fang J, Song H, Zhang Y, Li Y, Liu J*. 2018. Climate-dependence of ecosystem services in a nature reserve in northern China. PLoS ONE, 13(2):e0192727.
[46] Cao Q, Wang H, Li Y, Zhang Y, Zheng P, Wang R, Lal R, Ge X, Liu J*. 2018. The national distribution pattern and factors affecting heavy metals in sediments of water systems in China. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 27(2):79-97.
[47] Cao Q, Wang H, Zhang Y, Lal R, Wang R, Ge X, Liu J*. 2017. Factors affecting distribution patterns of organic carbon in sediments at regional and national scale in China. Scientific Reports, 7: 5497. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-06035-z.
[48] Cao Q, Wang H, Chen X, Wang R, Liu J*. 2017. Composition and distribution of microbial communities in naturalriver wetlands and corresponding constructed wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 98: 40-48.
[49] Cao Q, Song Y, Zhang Y, Wang R, Liu J*. 2017. Risk analysis on heavy metal contamination in sediments of rivers flowing into Nansi Lake. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24: 26910-26918.
[50] Zhang H, Chang R, Guo X, Liang X, Wang R, Liu J*. 2017. Shifts in growth and competitive dominance of the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides under different nitrogen and phosphorus supply. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 135: 118-125.
[51] Yu Z, Wang H, Meng J, Miao M, Kong Q, Wang R, Liu J*. 2017. Quantifying the responses of biological indices to rare macroinvertebrate taxa exclusion: Does excluding more rare taxa cause more error? Ecology and Evolution, 7: 1583-1591.
[52] Meng J, Yu Z, Miao M, Kong Q, Zhang Y, Liu J*. 2017. Differentiated responses of plankton and zoobenthos to water quality based on annual and seasonal analysis in a freshwater lake. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 26(2): 755-764.
[53] Zhang X, Wang H, Wang S, Wang R, Wang Y, Liu J*. 2017. Factors affecting alien and native plant species richness in temperate natural reserves of northern China. Polish Journal of Ecology, 65(4): 320-333.
[54] Zhang X, Wang H, Wang R, Wang Y, Liu J*. 2017. Relationships between plant species richness and environmental factors in nature reserves at different spatial scales. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 26(5): 2375-2384.
[55] Zhang H, Liu F, Wang R, Liu J*. 2016. Roles of clonal integration in both heterogeneous and homogeneous habitats. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:551.
[56] Yu Z, Wang H, Wang R, He T, Cao Q, Wang Y, Liu J*. 2016.The effects of bridge abutments on the benthic macroinvertebrate community. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 25(3): 1331-1337.
[57] Zhang W, Huang D, Wang R, Liu J, Du N.2016. Altitudinal patterns of species Diversity and phylogenetic diversity across temperate mountain forests of northern China. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159995.
[58] Luo Y, Yuan Y, Wang R, Liu J, Du N, Guo W. 2016. Functional traits contributed to the superior performance of the exotic species Robinia pseudoacacia: a comparison with the native tree Sophora japonica. Tree Physiology, 36:345-355.
[59] Zhang Y, Wang R, Kaplan D, Liu J*. 2015. Which components of plant diversity are most correlated with ecosystem properties? A case study in a restored wetland in northern China. Ecological Indicators, 49: 228-236.
[60] Zhang Y, Wang R, Xue T, Ge X, Liu J* 2015. Effects of soil properties and flooding on the mobility and transformation of mercury in a temperate riparian wetland. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 24:191-205.
[61] Zhang H, Wang R, Wang X, Du N, Ge X, Du Y, Liu J*. 2015. Recurrent water level fluctuation alleviates the effects of submergence stress on the invasive riparian plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Plos ONE, 10(6): e0129549. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129549
[62] Du Y, Feng J, Wang R, Zhang H, Liu J*. 2015. Effects of flavonoids from Potamogeton crispus L. on proliferation, migration, and invasion of human ovarian cancer cells. Plos ONE, 10(6): e0130685. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130685
[63] Du Y, Wang R, Zhang H, Liu J*. 2015. Antitumor constituents of wetland plant Nymphoides peltata: A case study for the potential utilization of constructed wetland plant resources. Natural Product Communications,10: 233-236.
[64] Cao Q, Wang R, Zhang H, Ge X, Liu J*. 2015. Distribution of organic carbon in the sediments of Xinxue River and the Xinxue River Constructed Wetland, China. PLoS ONE, 10(7): e0134713. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134713
[65] Cao Q, Wang R, Liu J*. 2015.Composition and distribution of organic carbon in river sediments: a case study of two northern Chinese rivers. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(3): 969-975.
[66] Chen X, Wang R, Cao Q, Zhang H, Ge X, Liu J*. 2015. The relationship between the distribution of invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides and soil properties is scale-dependent. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(5):1931-1938.
[67] Yu Z, Liu J, He T, Wang R. 2015. Patterns of macroinvertebrate richness in 62 lakes of China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 30(3): 323-334.
[68] Xu Q, Wu H, Liu J*. 2014. Methane emissions from wetlands in China: effects of wetland type and climate zone. Carbon Management, 5: 535-541.
[69] Du Y, Wang R, Feng J, Zhang H, Liu J*. 2014. Screening anti-tumor constituents from Potamogeton crispus for potential utilization of constructed wetland plant resources. Biology and Environment, 114:79-87.
[70] Luo Y, Guo W, Yuan Y, Liu J, Du N, Wang R. 2014. Increased nitrogen deposition alleviated the competitive effects of the introduced invasive plant Robinia pseudoacacia on the native tree Quercus acutissima. Plant and Soil, 385:63-75.
[71] Ge X, Wang R, Zhang Y, Song B, Liu J*. 2013. The soil seed banks of typical communities in wetlands convertedfrom farmlands by different restoration methods in Nansi Lake, China. Ecological Engineering, 60: 108-115.
[72] Ding W, Wang R, Wu D, Liu J*. 2013. Cellular automata model as an intuitive approach to simulate complex land-use changes: an evaluation of two multi-state land-use models in the Yellow River Delta. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27: 899-907.
[73] Wang Y, Hansson L, Sha N, Ding Y, Wang R, Liu J*. 2013. Strategic assessment of fuel taxation in energy conservation and CO2 reduction for road transportation: a case study from China. Stochastic Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27: 1231-1238.
[74] Zhang Y, Liu J, Zhang J, Wang R. 2013. Emergy-based evaluation of system sustainability and ecosystem value of a large-scale constructed wetland in North China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185: 5595-5609.
[75] Ge X, Liu J, Wang R. 2013. Effects of flooding on the germination of seed banks in the Nansi Lake wetlands, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 28(2): 225-237.
[76] 常瑞英,王仁卿,张依然,刘建* . 2013. 入侵植物空心莲子草的入侵机制及综合管理. 生态与农村环境学报, 29(1): 17-23.
[77] Liu J, Chen H, Kowarik I, Zhang Y, Wang R. 2012. Plant invasions in China: an emerging hot topic in invasion science. NeoBiota, 15: 27-51.
[78] Ding W, Wang R, Yuan Y, Liang X, Liu J*. 2012. Effects of nitrogen deposition on growth and relationship of Robinia pseudoacacia and Quercus acutissima seedlings. Dendrobiology, 67: 3-13.
[79] Chen H, Wang R, Ge X, Zhang J, Du N, Wang W, Liu J*. 2012. Competition and soil fungi affect the physiological and growth traits of an alien and a native tree species. Photosynthetica, 50: 77-85.
[80] Yu Y, Wang H, Liu J, Wang Q, Shen TL, Guo W, Wang R. 2012. Shifts in microbial community function and structure along the successional gradient of coastal wetlands in Yellow River Estuary. European Journal of Soil Biology, 49:12-21.
[81] Wang S, Liu J, Wang R, Ni Z, Xu S, Sun Y. Impact of socioeconomic development on ecosystem services and its conservation strategies: a case study of Shandong Province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184: 3213-3229.
[82] 张金勇,张建,刘建,刘道行,吴海明,谢慧君. 2012.水深对表面流人工湿地污染河水处理系统运行效果的影响. 环境工程学报, 6(3):799-803.
[83] 张依然,王仁卿,张建,刘建*.2012. 大型人工湿地生态可持续性评价. 生态学报,32(15): 4803-4810.
[84] Ding W, Liu J, Wu D, Wang Y, Chang C, Wang R. 2011. Salinity stress modulates habitat selection in the clonal plant Aeluropus sinensis subjected to crude oil deposition. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 183(3): 262-271.
[85] Wang Y, Liu J, Hansson L, Zhang K, Wang R. 2011. Implementing stricter environmental regulation to enhance eco-efficiency and sustainability: a case study of Shandong Province’s pulp and paper industry, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19: 303-310.
[86] Yu H, Liu J, He W, Miao S, Dong M. 2011. Cuscuta australis restrains three exotic invasive plants and benefits native species. Biological Invasions, 13: 747-756.
[87] Liu L, Liu J, Wang Y, Wang N, Wang R. 2011. Cost-benefit analysis and ecological compensation of watershed-scale wetland restoration: a case study in Shandong province,China. International Journal of Environmental Research, 5(3): 787-796.
[88] Chen H, Liu J, Zhang Y, Wang Q, Ge X, Wei Y, Wang R. 2011. Influence of invasive plant Coreopsis grandiflora on functional diversity of soil microbial communities. Journal of Environmental Biology, 32(5): 567-572.
[89] 刘建,李钧敏,余华,何维明,于飞海,桑卫国,刘国方,董鸣. 2010. 植物功能性状与外来植物入侵. 生物多样性,18(6):569-576.(特邀综述)
[90] 吴大千,王仁卿,高甡,丁文娟,王炜,葛秀丽,刘建*. 2010. 黄河三角洲农业用地动态变化模拟与情景分析. 农业工程学报, 26(4): 285-290.
[91] 王女杰,刘建,吴大千,高甡,王仁卿. 2010. 基于生态系统服务功能的区域生态补偿研究——以山东省为例. 生态学报,30(23): 6646-6653.
[92] Wu D, Liu J, Wang S, Wang R. 2010. Simulating urban expansion by coupling a stochastic cellular automata model and socioeconomic indicators. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 24: 235-245.
[93] Wu D, Liu J*, Zhang G, Ding W, Wang W, Wang R. 2009. Incorporating spatial autocorrelation into cellular automata model: An application to the dynamics of Chinese tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis Lour.). Ecological Modelling, 220: 3490-3498.
[94] Wang S, Liu J*, Ren L, Zhang K, Wang R. 2009. The development and practices of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Shandong Province, China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 29: 408-420.
[95] Wang S, Li J, Wu D, Wang R, Zhang K, Liu J*. 2009. The ecological impact assessment of urban development policies: a case study of Ji’nan city, China. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 11: 427-450.
[96] Wang S, Li J, Wu D, Liu J, Zhang K, Wang R. 2009. The strategic ecological impact assessment of urban development policies: a case study of Rizhao City, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 23: 1169-1180.
[97] Yu H, Liu J, He W, Miao S, Dong M. 2009. Restraints on Mikania micrantha by Cuscuta campestris facilitates restoration of the disturbed ecosystems. Biodiversity, 10: 72-78.
[98] Yu H, He W, Liu J, Miao S, Dong M. 2009. Native Cuscuta campestris restrains exotic Mikania micrantha and enhances soil resources beneficial to natives in the invaded communities. Biological Invasions, 11: 835-844.
[99] Yang J, Zhang S, Liu J, Zhai W, Wang R. 2009. Genetic diversity of the endangered species Rosa rugosa Thunb. in China and implications for conservation strategies. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 47: 515-524.
[100] 吴大千, 刘建, 王炜, 丁文娟, 王仁卿. 2009.黄河三角洲植被指数与地形要素的多尺度分析. 植物生态学报,33 (2): 237-245.
[101] 吴大千,刘建,贺同利,王淑军,王仁卿. 2009. 基于土地利用变化的黄河三角洲生态服务价值损益分析. 农业工程学报, 5(8): 256-261.
[102] 王玉涛,郭卫华,刘建,王淑军,王琦,王仁卿. 2009. 昆嵛山自然保护区生态系统服务功能价值评估. 生态学报, 29(1):523-531.
[103] 王女杰, 刘建, 刘磊, 王仁卿. 2009. 中国生态补偿的保障机制研究. 中国环境管理, (4): 6-12.
[104] Liu J, He W, Zhang S, Liu F, Dong M, Wang R. 2008. Effects of clonal integration on photosynthesis of the invasive clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Photosynthetica, 46: 299-302.
[105] Liang Y, Liu J, Zhang S, Wang S, Guo W, Wang R. 2008. Genetic diversity of the invasive plant Coreopsis grandiflora at different altitudes in Laoshan Mountain, China. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 88: 831-837.
[106] 王淑军,刘建,王仁卿,王玉涛. 2008. 生态补偿机制与生态系统服务功能评价. 生态科学进展,4:127-139.
[107] Liu F, Liu J, Yu F, Dong M. 2007. Water integration patterns in two rhizomatous dune perennials of different clonal fragment size. Flora, 202: 106-110.
[108] 王瑶,刘建,王仁卿. 2007. 阿利效应及其对生物入侵和自然保护中小种群管理的启示.山东大学学报 (理学版), 42(1): 76-82.
[109] Liu J, Dong M, Miao S, Li Z, Song M, Wang R. 2006. Invasive plants in China: role of clonality and geographical origin. Biological Invasions, 8: 1461-1470.
[110] Zhang X, Liu J, Welham CVJ, Liu C, Li D, Chen L, Wang R. 2006. The effects of clonal integration on morphological plasticity and placement of daughter ramets in black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). Flora, 201: 547-554.
[111] Liu J, Liang S, Liu F, Wang R, Dong M. 2005. Invasive alien plant species in China: regional distribution patterns. Diversity and Distributions, 11: 341-347.
[112] Liu J, Zhu X, Wang R, Dong M. 2005. Effects of grasshoppers on the dominant plants naturally growing in degraded grassland ecosystem in Northern China. Ekologia (Bratislava), 24: 117-124.
[113] 刘建,何维明,房志玲. 2005. 东灵山油松林和辽东栎林下土壤资源和光资源的空间特征. 生态学报, 25(11): 2954-2960.
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