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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
毕业院校:Peking University
所在单位:Institute of Frontier and Interdiscipline Science
办公地点:Room 314, Building K1, Qingdao Campus, Shandong University
- [21] Y. Song, Y. Guo, Y. Lei, N. Zhang, and W. Liu*, The Static–Dynamic–Static Family of Methods for Strongly Correlated Electrons: Methodology and Benchmarking, Topics in Current Chemistry. 2021, 379, 43.
- [22] Z. Wang, C. Wu, and W. Liu*, NAC-TDDFT: Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Nonadiabatic Couplings, Acc. Chem. Res. 2021, 54, 3288-3297.
- [23] Z. Wang and W. Liu *, iOI: An Iterative Orbital Interaction Approach for Solving the SelfConsistent Field Problem, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 4831-4845.
- [24] R. Zhao, A. Grofe, Z. Wang, P. Bao, X. Chen*, W. Liu*, and J. Gao*, Dynamic-then-Static Approach for Core Excitations of Open-Shell Molecules, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 7409-7417.
- [25] Y. Lei, B. Suo, and W. Liu*, iCAS: Imposed Automatic Selection and Localization of Complete Active Spaces, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 4846-4859.
- [26] C. Wu, J. Kenward, Y. Ma, W. Liu*, and B. Cyrille*, Unravelling an oxygen-mediated reductive quenching pathway for photopolymerisation under long wavelengths, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2021, 12, 478.
- [27] N. Zhang, M. Hoffmann, and W. Liu*, Further Development of iCIPT2 for Strongly Correlated Electrons, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 949-964.
- [28] Z. Wang, Z. Li*, Y. Zhang, and W. Liu*, Analytic energy gradients of spin-adapted open-shell time-dependent density functional theory, J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 153, 164109.
- [29] 刘文剑*, 相对论量子化学的现状与未来, 中国科学:化学 2020, 50, 1672-1696.
- [30] J. Eriksen*, T. Anderson, J. Deustua, K. Ghanem, D. Hait, M. Hoffmann, S. Lee, D. Levine, I. Magoulas, J. Shen, N. Tubman, K. Whaley, E. Xu, Y. Yao, N. Zhang, A. Alavi*, G. Chan*, M. Head-Gordon*, W. Liu*, P. Piecuch*, S. Sharma*, S. Ten-no*, C. Umrigar*, and J. Gauss*, The Ground State Electronic Energy of Benzene, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 8922-8929.
- [31] W. Liu*, Essentials of relativistic quantum chemistry, J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 152, 180901.
- [32] N. Zhang, W. Liu*, and M. Hoffmann, Iterative Configuration Interaction with Selection, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2020, 16, 2296-2316.
- [33] X. Zhang, Z. Wang, J. Gao*, and W. Liu*, Chlorination versus hydroxylation selectivity mediated by the non-heme iron halogenase WelO5†, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, 22, 8699-8712.
- [34] W. Zou*, G. Guo, B. Suo, and W. Liu*, Analytic Energy Gradients and Hessians of Exact Two-Component Relativistic Methods: Efficient Implementation and Extensive Applications, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2020, 16, 1541−1554.
- [35] Y. Zhang*, B. Suo*, Z. Wang*, N.Zhang, Z. Li*, Y. Lei*, W. Zou*, J. Gao*, D. Peng, Z. Pu, Y. Xiao*, Q. Sun*, F. Wang*, Y. Ma*, X. Wang, Y. Guo, and W. Liu*, BDF: A relativistic electronic structure program package, J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 152, 064113.
- [36] C. Wu, H. Chen, N. Corrigan, K. Jung, X. Kan, Z. Li, W. Liu*, J. Xu*, and C. Boyer*, Computer-Guided Discovery of a pH-Responsive Organic Photocatalyst and Application for pH and Light Dual-Gated Polymerization, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 8207-8220.
- [37] M. Yuan, Y. Zhang, Z. Qu, Y. Xiao*, and W. Liu*, Sublinear scaling quantum chemical methods for magnetic shieldings in large molecules, J. Chem. Phys. 2019, 150, 154113.
- [38] C. Huang and W. Liu*, iVI-TD-DFT: An iterative vector interaction method for exterior/interior roots of TD-DFT, J. Comput. Chem. 2019, 40, 1023-1037.
- [39] W. Liu* and Y. Xiao, Relativistic time-dependent density functional theories, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2018, 47, 4481-4509.
- [40] W. Liu* and Z. Yang, Editorial for Special Issue: 13th National Quantum Chemistry Congress (NQCC) of China (June 8-11, 2017, Dalian), Mol. Phys. 2018, 116, 753-754.