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- [11] 李颖. Quantitative analysis on economics and financial factors behind international students tourism: E.... Journal of global economics, 7, 6, 2019.
- [12] 李颖. 人民币汇率变动、城乡收入差距与居民消费. 广东财经大学学报, 2016.
- [13] 李颖. 人民币汇率变动的收入分配效果研究——基于厂商价格加成模型的理论和实证分析. 经济科学, 2014.
- [14] 霍兵 and 李颖. 2006年度诺贝尔和平奖得主尤努斯小额贷款经济思想及其实践. 《经济学动态》, 2007年, 67, 2007.
- [15] 李颖. Is there a trade-off between RMB exchange rate appreciation and nominal wage growth?. 国际金融学方法研讨会, 2012.
- [16] 李颖. 汇率升值与货币工资增长互为替代?. 经济科学, 2012.
- [17] 李颖. RMB exchange rate reforms and exchange rate preferences of domestic interest groups in China. Economic and Political Studies, 7, 1, 2019.
- [18] 李颖. Iron ore price and the AUD exchange rate: A Markov approach. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, 28, 15, 2019.
- [19] 李颖. Quantitative analysis on economics and financial factors behind international students tourism: E.... Journal of global economics, 7, 6, 2019.
- [20] 李颖 and 霍兵. 2006年度诺贝尔和平奖得主尤努斯小额贷款经济思想及其实践. 《经济学动态》, 2007年, 67, 2007.