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- [91] 李宇飞 , 赵圣之 , 王晓梅 , 杨克建 , 李涛 , 李德春 and 李桂秋. Investigations and comparisons of active Q-switching laser performances of composite and conventi.... Acta Physica Polonica A, 127, 711, 2015.
- [92] 李宇飞 , 李德春 and 赵圣之. Efficient tunable multi-wavelength CW Nd:GGG laser at 1.06 and 1.4 mu m regions. Optics communications, 2014.
- [93] 李宇飞 , 李桂秋 , 李德春 , 杨克建 and 赵圣之. Diode-pumped doubly passively Q-switched Nd:GdVO4 1.34 μm laser with V3+:YAG and Co:LMA saturab.... J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 28, 149, 2010.
- [94] 李宇飞 , 赵圣之 and 李桂秋. Improvements of pulse energy and symmetry of diode-pumped hybrid Q-switched mode-locked Nd:Lu0.15.... Optics & Laser Technology, 45, 114, 2013.
- [95] 李宇飞 , 杨克建 , 李桂秋 , 李德春 , 赵佳 and 赵圣之. Simultaneous dual-wavelength operation around 1:06μ m of a LD-end-pumped, passively Q-switched N.... Laser Phys., 23, 085009-1, 2013.
- [96] 李宇飞 , 李桂秋 , 李德春 , 杨克建 and 赵圣之. Diode-pumped doubly Q-switched Nd:LuVO4 laser with AO modulator and GaAs saturable absorbe. Opt. & Laser Technol., 42, 198, 2009.
- [97] 李宇飞 , 孙渝明 , 张怀金 and 戚焕筠. CO2+: LaMgAl11O19 saturable absorber Q-switch for a 1.319 mu m Nd3+: YAG laser. Optics and Laser Technology, 39, 724, 2007.
- [98] 李宇飞 , 孙渝明 and 戚焕筠. Co2+:LaMgAl11O19 saturable absorber Q-switch for a flash lamp pumped 1.54 μm Er:glass laser. Optics Express, 15, 3195, 2007.
- [99] 李宇飞 and 赵圣之. Diode-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Mode-Locked Nd:LuVO4 Laser with a Semiconductor Saturable Abso.... Laser Phys., 19, 1226, 2009.
- [100] 李宇飞 and 赵圣之. Diode-Pumped Passively Q-Switched and Mode-Locked Nd:LuVO4 Laser with a GaAs Wafer. Japanese J.Appl.Phys, 48, 082502, 2009.