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- [101] 李宇飞 and 赵圣之. Passively Q-switched mode-locked Nd3+:LuVO4 laser by LT-GaAs saturable absorber. Laser Phys.Lett., 6, 526, 2009.
- [102] 李宇飞 and 赵圣之. LD-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:LuVO4 laser with a GaAs output coupler. Laser Phys.Lett., 6, 351, 2009.
- [103] 李宇飞 and 赵圣之. Diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:LuVO4 laser with LT-In0.25Ga0.75As saturable absorber,. Laser Phys.Lett., 6, 370, 2009.
- [104] 孙渝明 and 李宇飞. Laser-diode pumped passively Q-switched Nd:GdVO4 laser. 《中国激光》, 31, 1153, 2004.
- [105] 赵圣之 , 冯传胜 and 李宇飞. Pulse Width Compression and Enhancement of Peak Power in a Diodepumped Doubly Qswitched Nd:GdVO .... Laser Physics, 22, 693, 2012.
- [106] 赵圣之 and 李宇飞. Improving DKDP electro-optical Q-switched characteristic by adding a pair of auxiliary electrodes. Appl.Opt, 50 , 360, 2011.
- [107] 孙渝明 and 李宇飞. 一种实用的激光焊机电源. 应用激光, 20, 30, 2000.
- [108] 孙渝明 and 李宇飞. 多功能半导体激光医疗仪电源的研制. 应用激光, 22, 419, 2002.
- [109] 孙渝明 and 李宇飞. Self-frequency doubling property of Nd:GdCOB at 1331.0nm. 《激光技术》, 26, 450, 2002.
- [110] 孙渝明 , 戚焕筠 and 李宇飞. LD侧泵的声光调Q Nd:YAG/KTP人眼安全激光器. 光子学报, 36, 591, 2007.