Li Yuli
Associate Professor
Personal Information:
  • Name (English):
    Li Yuli
  • Name (Pinyin):
    Li Yuli
  • E-Mail:
  • Date of Employment:
  • School/Department:
    School of Nursing and Rehabilitation, Shandong University
  • Administrative Position:
    Vice Director of Basic Nursing Department
  • Education Level:
    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Business Address:
    Nursing Buidling 401#
  • Gender:
  • Contact Information:
  • Degree:
    Doctoral Degree in Medicine
  • Status:
  • Academic Titles:
    Associate Professor
  • Alma Mater:
    Shandong University
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Honors and Titles:

2024-08-27    2024年度齐鲁护理科技奖一等奖;
2021-09-10    Shandong University Qilu outstanding medical teacher;

Yuli Li interests in psycho-oncology, hospice and palliative care and health care for elderly, especially focus on the famiy-based holistic health promotion. Dr. Li is currently the academic advisor for Master's students and leading a team on several projects, both in the national and provincal. As diractor of the NSFC-founded Family Resilience-oriented Family Communication Intervention Program for Young- and Midl-aged Breast Cancer Patients, Dr. Li developmented  a new internet-based self management  strategy for the family with breast cancer patient. Dr.Li also leads a provincial social science project which aimed to explore biological, environmental, and socical factor on the holistic health of older asults who is parenting grandchild and their grandchildren's behavior deveopment and health outcome.

Dr. Li mentors and advises graduate, and undergraduate nursing students as well as clinical nurses accepted continnuing education. Her teaching course includes Fundamental Nursing and Geriatric Nursing.

  • 2012-9 — 2016-6
    Shandong University
  • 2009-9 — 2012-6
    Shandong University

Associate Professor, Shandong University, 2022-   

Associate Research Professor, Shandong University, 2019 -  2022  

Lecturer, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2016 - 2019 


1. 宋东玉. Patterns and predictors of symptom burden and posttraumatic growth among patients with cancer: a latent profile analysis .SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER.2024,32 (6)

2. 仇蕊蕊. Factors associated with pain catastrophizing in patients with chronic neuropathic pain: a cross-sectional study .PAIN MANAGEMENT NURSING.2024 (2)

3. 赖锦玉. 社区老年人自然干预措施范围综述 .风景园林.2024 (5)

4. 林炜漪. 祖辈隔代教养压力与益处问卷的编制及信效度检验 .《中国健康教育》.2024,40 (03)

5. 延泽萍. 济南市2所医院乳腺癌术后患者癌因性疲乏与功能锻炼依从性的关系及家庭弹性在二者间的作用 .医学与社会.2023,36 (5)

6. 宋东玉. 306名大学生错失恐惧与社交媒体倦怠的关系:睡眠质量和负性情绪的链式中介作用 ..《山东大学学报(医学版)》.2023,61 (1)

7. 宋东玉. 基于CiteSpace的家庭弹性研究热点与趋势的可视化分析 .心理月刊.2023,18 (10)

8. Yuli Li. Children's Bonding with Parents and Grandparents and Its Associated Factors. .Child Indicators Research.2016 (2):551

9. Yuli Li. Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the recovery locus of control (RLOC) Scale among patients with myocardial infarction .Nursing Open.2020 (6):1815

10. Yuli Li. The Relationship Between Parenting Styles Practiced By Grandparents And Children's Emotional And Behavioral Problems .Journal of Child and Family Studies.2019 (7):1899

11. Zeping Yan. Depressive symptoms and opioid misuse in elderly individuals with chronic pain: A latent class analysis .PAIN MANAGEMENT NURSING.2022 (2022)

12. Yuli Li. Symptom burden, family resilience, and functional exercise adherence among postoperative breast cancer patients .ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING.2022,9 (11)

13. Yuli Li. Sleep quality, caregiver burden, and individual resilience among parents of children with epilepsy .Epilepsy Behav.2022,135 (108873)

14. Yuli Li. Relationships among psychological capital, creative tendency, and job burnout among Chinese nurses .Journal of advanced nursing.2019,75 (12):3495-3503

15. Yuli Li. Family resilience and subjective responses to caregiving for children with epilepsy .Epilepsy Behav.2021,125

16. Yuli Li. Influence of grandparenting stress, sleep quality, and grandparenting type on depressive symptoms among Chinese older adults who care for their grandchildren: A moderated-mediation study .CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY.2021

17. Zeping Yan. Dyadic effects of family resilience on post-traumatic stress symptoms among breast cancer patients and their primary family caregivers: A cross-sectional study .EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING.2021,53

18. Liu, Jianghong. Maternal emotions during the pre/postnatal periods and children's sleep behaviors: The mediating role of children's behavior .Journal of Affective Disorders.2020,273 :138

19. Wang, Xiuli. Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Surrogate Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale .RESEARCH IN GERONTOLOGICAL NURSING.2021,14 (1):17

20. Ye Liu. Relationships between family resilience and posttraumatic growth in breast cancer survivors and caregiver burden .PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY.2018,27 (4):1284

21. Yuli Li. Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the recovery locus of control (RLOC) Scale among patients with myocardial infarction .Nursing Open.2020,7 (6):1815

22. Li Yuli. A conceptual model of posttraumatic growth of nursing students with a disabled parent .International Journal of Nursing Sciences.2019,6 (4):406

23. Li Yuli  and Cao Fenglin. Children’s Bonding with Parents and Grandparents and Its Associated Factors .Child Indicators Research.2016

24. Li Yuli , loufenglan  and Cao Fenglin. Psychometric properties of the Shortened Chinese Version of Family Resilience Assessment Scale .Journal of Child and Family Studies.2016

25. Li Yuli. Relationships among Psychological Capital, Creative Tendency and Job Burnout among Chinese Nurses .Journal of advanced nursing.2019

26. Li Yuli  and Naixue Cui. The Relationship Between Parenting Styles Practiced By Grandparents And Children’s Emotional And Behavioral Problems .Journal of Child and Family Studies.2019

27. Li Yuli , loufenglan  and Cao Fenglin. Posttraumatic growth and parental bonding in young adults of parents with physical disabilites: testing mediation model of resilience .Psychology Health & Medicine.2018,23 (6):661

28. Li Yuli  and WANG Kefang. Does Resilience Benefit Breast Cancer Patients' and their Caregivers' Psychological Well-being? .PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY.2018,27 :113

29. Li Yuli  and WANG Kefang. Family resilience and psychological well-being among Chinese breast cancer survivors and their caregivers .EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE.2019,28 (2)

30. WANG Kefang  and Li Yuli. Relationships between family resilience, breast cancer survivors’ individual resilience, and caregiver burden: A cross-sectional study .International Journal of Nursing Studies.2018

31. WANG Kefang  and Li Yuli. Family resilience and psychological well-being among Chinese breast cancer survivors and their caregivers .EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE.2019,28 (2)

32. WANG Kefang  and Li Yuli. Relationships between family resilience, breast cancer survivors’ individual resilience, and caregiver burden: A cross-sectional study .International Journal of Nursing Studies.2018

Research Group
Family-based holistice rehabilitation nursing for cancer patients
Description of Research Group:
The team engaged in the holistice rehabilitation nursing for cancer patients during the whole disease process and whole life span, family-based healthe promotion for families with cancer patients.
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