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个人信息Personal Information
教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
毕业院校:University of Bradford
- [61] 刘磊 , 崔立真 , 史玉良 and 李庆忠. Performance measurement of data flow processing employing software defined architecture. FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS, 2018.
- [62] 刘磊 , 崔立真 and 李晖. Resource Scheduling for Energy-Efficient in Cloud-Computing Data Centers. 2018.
- [63] 徐松 , 刘磊 , 崔立真 and 郑永清. Optimal Crowds Contest Model for Crowdsourcing. PROCEEDINGS OF 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CROWD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ICCSE 2017, 72, 2017.
- [64] 刘磊 , 崔立真 and 刘畅. Crowd-enabled Pareto-Optimal Objects Finding Employing Multi-Pairwise-Comparison Questions. CIKM'17: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 ACM CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, 287, 2017.
- [65] 刘磊 , 崔立真 , 史玉良 and 任永健. QoS Evaluation of Prioritized Data Plane Service Employing Queueing Model. 2017 IEEE/ACM 25TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON QUALITY OF SERVICE (IWQOS), 2017.
- [66] 刘磊 , 崔立真 , 李庆忠 and 曹益铭. Empirical Study on Assessment Algorithms with Confidence in Crowdsourcing. PROCEEDINGS OF 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CROWD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ICCSE 2017, 100, 2017.
- [67] 刘磊 , 崔立真 , 史玉良 and Jia, Rui. Data Driven Congestion Trends Prediction of Urban Transportation. IEEE Internet Things J., 5, 581, 2018.
- [68] 刘磊 , 史玉良 , 刘士军 , 崔立真 and 赵旭东. Real-Time Soft Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier Web Service Systems. 2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB SERVICES (ICWS 2017), 492, 2017.
- [69] 鹿旭东 and 刘磊. Data Driven Analysis on the Effect of Online Judge System. 2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTERNET OF THINGS (ITHINGS) AND IEEE GREEN COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS (GREENCOM), 573, 2017.
- [70] 刘磊 , 李晖 , 崔立真 and 张帅. Collaborative Prediction Model of Disease Risk by Mining Electronic Health Records. COLLABORATE COMPUTING: NETWORKING, APPLICATIONS AND WORKSHARING, COLLABORATECOM 2016, 201, 71, 2017.
- [71] 刘磊 and 王华. An Improved EDA for Solving Steiner Tree Problem. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, 2015.
- [72] 李庆忠 , 郑永清 , 刘磊 and 崔立真. A Permissioned Blockchain Framework for Supporting Instant Transaction and Dynamic Block Size. TrustCom 2016, 2016.
- [73] 刘磊. Anomaly Diagnosis Based on Regression and Classification Analysis of statistical Traffic Features. Journal of Security and Communication Networks, 7, 1372, 2014.
- [74] 王华 and 刘磊. Energy efficient routing with a tree-based particle swarm optimization approach . The 14th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2014),LNCS出版, 8631 LNCS, 659, 2014.
- [75] 刘磊. Performance analysis of prioritized automatic repeat-request systems in the presence of self-similar traffic. Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, 40, 704, 2014.
- [76] 王华 and 刘磊. An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Virtual Network Embedding. The 14th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2014),LNCS出版, LNCS 6830, 299, 2014.
- [77] 史玉良 , 崔立真 and 刘磊. A Data Services-Based Quality Analysis System for the Life Cycle of Tire Production. ICSOC 2016(CCF B类会议), 715, 2016.
- [78] 崔立真 , 刘磊 and 李晖. Collaborative Prediction Model of Disease Risk by Mining Electronic Health Records. CollaborateCom 2016, 2016.
- [79] 崔立真 , 刘磊 , 李晖 and 肖宗水. MTPGraph: A Data-Driven Approach to Predict Medical Risk Based on Temporal Profile Graph. ISPA 2016, 2016.
- [80] 刘磊. Prediction of Consecutive Road Node Congestion Based on Queueing Model . 14th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications(CCF C), 2016.