Paper Publications
- [17] 马文. Language and health studies in the era of holistic health: Achievements and prospects. Language and Health, 2023.
- [18] . The Ability to Use Contextual Information in Object and Scene Recognition in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment. JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE, 95, 2023.
- [19] 赵春娟. Patient resistance towards clinicians’ diagnostic test-taking advice and its management in Chinese outpatient clinic interaction. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, 2020.
- [20] 马文. Configuring the Professional Touch in Physical Examinations in Chinese Outpatient Clinical Interaction: Talk, Touch, Professional Vision, and Intersubjectivity. Health Communication, 2023.
- [21] 张昊. Sustainable Benefits of High Variability Phonetic Training in Mandarin-speaking Kindergarteners with Cochlear Implants: Evidence From Categorical Perception of Lexical Tones. EAR AND HEARING, 2023.
- [22] 马文. 失语症群体话语沟通:会话过程与临床价值. 河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2023.
- [23] 马文. 新医科背景下语言康复国际化人才培养模式探索与实践. 中国外语, 2023.
- [24] 马文. 语言科学研究助力国家健康治理:理据与路径. 外语电化教学, 2023.
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