Paper Publications
[61] mengqingchun and rongxiaoxia. A robust ordering strategy for retailers facing a free shipping option. PLOS ONE, 2015.
[62] rongxiaoxia , mengqingchun and 张夏然. Collaborative Optimization of Emissions and Abatement Costs for Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gas.... Sustainability, 2019.
[63] mengqingchun and 殷瑞瑞. 复杂网络视角下产业群治理研究. 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》, 2019.
[64] mengqingchun and 张正. Impacts of Green Production Decision on Social Welfare. Sustainability, 2019.
[65] mengqingchun and 魏思敏. 基于复杂网络的虚拟品牌社区意见领袖识别研究——以魅族Flyme社区为例. 山东大学学报(理学版), 2018.
[66] mengqingchun and 张正. 技术创新情形下考虑政府补贴的供应链价值创造研究. 《软科学》, 2019.
[67] mengqingchun and 万骁乐. Develop an interactive value-added capability index system and determination model of supply chai.... Int. J. Internet Manuf. Serv., 4, 326, 2017.
[68] mengqingchun and 郭影. Inventory optimization of airport perishable emergency supplies with replacement strategy facing .... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION, 31, 170, 2018.
[69] mengqingchun and 郭影. Estimating Added Values of the Integrated Emergency Response System for Airport Accident: Improve.... Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018.
[70] mengqingchun , zhaopeixin and rongxiaoxia. OPTIMIZATION AND SIMULATION FOR AIRPORT EMERGENCY INVENTORY WITH REPLACEMENT. International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 16, 13, 2017.
[71] mengqingchun. Exploring an Interactive Value-adding Data-driven Model of Consumer Electronics Supply Chain Base.... Scientific Programming, 2016.
[72] mengqingchun. 略论当前形势下国企改革的战略定位. 《人民论坛》, 2012.
[73] mengqingchun. 基于对偶理论的调控机制研究. 山东大学出版社, 2006.
[74] mengqingchun. 基于SNA的蓝黄两区物流产业竞合关系研究. 《山东大学学报》(理学版), 2015.
[75] mengqingchun. 我国物流业对国民经济影响的实证研究---基于Logistic函数和脉冲响应分析. 山东社会科学, 2015.
[76] mengqingchun. 基于新产消合一考虑链间竞争的供应链价值最大化研究. 中国管理科学, 2015.
[77] rongxiaoxia and mengqingchun. 灰霾环境下能源效率测算与节能减排潜力分析. 中国管理科学, 2016.
[78] rongxiaoxia , wangyuzhi and mengqingchun. Collaborative Emission Reduction Model Based on Multi-objective Optimization for Greenhouse Gases.... PLOS ONE, 2016.
[79] mengqingchun. Optimal Order Strategy in Uncertain Demands with Free Shipping Option. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014.
[80] mengqingchun. 新产消合一理念研究. 理论学刊, 2014.