Paper Publications
[1] Pan, Jian. Environmental investment timing and dual government incentives under uncertain carbon allowances. Journal of Cleaner Production, 436, 2024.
[2] 孟庆春. 考虑参考价格效应的中断供应链动态恢复策略. 系统工程理论与实践, 15, 2023.
[3] 包春兵. Risk aggregation considering probabilistic and consequential interactions: A general formulation .... RISK ANALYSIS, 2023.
[4] 郑钦月. An intelligent matching recommendation algorithm for a manufacturing capacity sharing platform wi.... Scientific Reports, 13, 2023.
[5] 孟庆春. 考虑参考价格效应的中断供应链动态恢复策略. 系统工程理论与实践, 2023.
[6] 万骁乐. The robust analysis of supply chain based on uncertainty computation: insight from open innovatio.... Cluster computing, 2019.
[7] 孟庆春. 消费者参与创新对供应链价值创造的影响研究. 科研管理, 2021.
[8] 孟庆春. “供应链 + 多元主体”视角下中小制造企业污染共治路径与机制研究. 中国软科学, 100, 2020.
[9] 孟庆春. Mitigation strategies for expiration in perishable emergency inventory system. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021.
[10] 孟庆春. 灰霾环境下能源效率测算与节能减排潜力分析—基于多非期望产出的NH-DEA模型. 中国管理科学, 2016.
[11] 孟庆春. An emergency supplies procurement strategy based on a bidirectional option contract. Socio-Economic Planning Science, 2023.
[12] . Reliable network design considering endogenous customers’ choices under probabilistic arc failur.... IISE Transactions, 2023.
[13] . A multi-regional, hierarchical-tier mathematical model of the spread and control of COVID-19 epid.... Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2021.
[14] 郭影. Inventory optimization of airport perishable emergency supplies with replacement strategy facing .... International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2018.
[15] 孟庆春. 开放条件下国企改革中国有股份最优比重问题研究. 山东大学学报 理学版, 41, 101-105, 2006.
[16] Zhang, Zheng. Impact of Third-Degree Price Discrimination on Welfare under the Asymmetric Price Game. MATHEMATICS, 10, 2022.
[17] 谢京辞. Fresh Food Dual-Channel Supply Chain Considering Consumers' Low-Carbon and Freshness Preferences. SUSTAINABILITY, 13, 2021.
[18] 杨自辉. Selecting the Strategic Port of "the Belt and Road" Based on the Global Network. Complexity, 2021, 2021.
[19] 左佳宁. A Study on the Incremental Size of Social Financing Based on XGBoost and SHAP. Procedia Computer Science, 2023.
[20] 惠雨乔. Exploring risk exposures in the aviation sector by examining risk disclosure information from lis.... Procedia Computer Science, 2023.