Paper Publications
- [9] 刘一丹. Creating a humanistic community under the concept of dialectical deep ecology: Constraints and optimizations go hand in hand. 2020.
- [10] 刘一丹. Triple understanding of Guanzhong Narrow Courtyard and its house space. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment , 36, 521, 2021.
- [11] 栾名歌. 原齐鲁大学教授别墅中西合璧式建筑风格研究. 建筑工程技术与设计, 2016.
- [12] 董华. 高校艺术建筑工程项目设计探析——以山东大学艺术学院教学楼为例. 《经济师》, 2008.
- [13] 刘一丹. Triple understanding of Guanzhong Narrow Courtyard and its house space. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment , 2020.
- [14] 宁荍. Case study: Analysis and planning of campus acoustic environment under traffic noise: A case analysis of Shandong University in China. NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 68, 378, 2020.
- [15] 刘一丹. 试论当代地域性场所营造中民间工匠角色. 《建筑与文化》, 2020.
- [16] 刘一丹. Triple Understanding of Guanzhong Narrow Courtyard and Its House Space. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment , 2020.
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