DfRem-driven closed-loop supply chain decision-making: a systematic framework for modeling research

Release time:2020-05-21|Hits:


Key Words:Design for Remanufacture (DfRem); closed-loop supply chain (CLSC); modeling framework; investment cooperation; operational decision optimization

Abstract:With the prevalence of a circular economy, extended producer responsibility, and the maturity of intelligent manufacturing technology, Design for Remanufacture (DfRem) has become a new driving force for the profitability of the modern supply chain. DfRem activities occur at the stageofnewproductdesignbuthaveasignificantimpactonsubsequentremanufacturingoperations. Basedontheclosed-loopsupplychainoperationsystemswithDfRem,wesystematicallyexploredthe impactofDfRemonsupplychainoperationdecisionsthroughacasestudyandmodelinganalysisand builtupamodelingresearchframeworkofDfRem-drivenclosed-loopsupplychain(CLSC)operation decision-making. Our research identified DfRem-driven model design elements and discussed the modeling of DfRem-driven investment decision problems, involving different approaches to obtain DfRem investment (i.e., DfRem-driven horizontal or vertical supply chain cooperation) and the ownership of DfRem-level decision-making rights. Moreover, the DfRem-driven two-stage and multi-period modeling processes are elaborated in detail. The aim of this paper is to provide other scholars with a more comprehensive understanding of DfRem research issues, and to establish an integrated DfRem-driven research framework for subsequent scholars to better conduct modeling research on DfRem.

First Author:Shuiye Niu, Honglong Zhuo, Kelei Xue*

Indexed by:Journal paper

Discipline:Management Science

First-Level Discipline:Management Science and Engineering

Document Type:J



Page Number:3299

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-05-01

Included Journals:SCI、SSCI