Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
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. Survey on Path-Dependent PDEs. Chinese Annals of Mathematics (Ser. B), 44, 837-856, 2023.
. Solving Stochastic Optimal Control Problem via Stochastic Maximum Principle with Deep Learning Method. Journal of Scientific Computing, 93, 2022.
胡明尚. A universal robust limit theorem for nonlinear Levy processes under sublinear expectation. PROBABILITY UNCERTAINTY AND QUANTITATIVE RISK, 8, 1, 2023.
胡明尚. Extended conditional G-expectations and related stopping times. PROBABILITY UNCERTAINTY AND QUANTITATIVE RISK, 6, 369, 2021.
. Imbalanced binary classification under distribution uncertainty. Information Sciences, 156, 2023.
. Improving Value-at-Risk Prediction Under Model Uncertainty. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 21, 228, 2023.