邮箱:qxhsdu02@163.com; xianhangqian@sdu.edu.cn
2002.9-2006.6 山东大学经济学院金融工程专业,获经济学学士学位
2006.9-2009.6 山东大学经济学院金融学专业,获经济学硕士学位
2009.9-2012.12 南开大学商学院公司治理专业,获管理学博士学位
2013.1-2015.2 山东大学应用经济学博士后流动站 师资博士后
2013.7-2015.8 山东大学经济学院金融系 讲师
2015.9至今 山东大学经济学院金融系 教授(破格晋升)
2017.7至今 南开大学中国公司治理研究院 研究员(兼职)
2018.1至今 山东大学经济学院金融系 博士生导师
[1] Cao Tingqiu, Qian Xianhang* and Zhang Le, 2024, The Price of the Slow Lane: Traffic Congestion and Stock Block Trading Premium, International Review of Finance, 24: 30-52.
[2] Qian Xianhang, Qiu Shanyun and Zhao Kunzhu, 2023, Foreign Residency Rights and Corporate Supplier Concentration: Evidence from China, Journal of International Money and Finance, 138: 102922.
[3] Qian Xianhang and Qiu Shanyun, 2023, Political Risk and Corporate International Supply Chain, Journal of International Money and Finance, 137: 102899.
[4] Qian Xianhang and Yang Xue, 2022, Supervisory Independence and Banks’ Non-performing Loans: Quasi-experimental Evidence from China, Applied Economics, 60: 6838-6948.
[5] Liu Yun, Qian Xianhang*, and Wu Qian, 2022, Officials’ Turnover, Facial Appearance and FDI: Evidence from China, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 58: 896-906.
[6] Zhang Guangli and Qian Xianhang*, 2022, The Impact of Officials’ Turnover on Interregional Capital Flows: Evidence from China, Applied Economics, 54: 749-763.
[7] Qian Xianhang and Wu Qian, 2021, Local Gambling Preferences and Bank Risk-taking: Evidence from China, Economic Modelling, 105: 105675.
[8] Qian Xianhang, Qiu Shanyun and Zhang Guangli, 2021, The Impact of COVID-19 on Housing Price: Evidence from China, Finance Research Letters, 43: 101944.
[9] Qian Xianhang, 2021, The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Insurance Demand: The Case of China, European Journal of Health Economics, 22: 1017-1024.
[10] Cao Tingqiu and Qian Xianhang*, 2021, Political Capital and Household Income: Evidence from Twenty-Four Transition Countries, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 42: 151-165.
[11] Qian Xianhang, 2019, Judicial Independence and Cash Flow: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China, International Review of Finance, 19: 863-875.
[12] Cao Chunfang, Dong Yizhe, Hou Wenxuan, Liu Yue, and Qian Xianhang, 2019, Provincial Official Turnover and Bank Loans, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 57: 101202.
[13] Qian Xianhang, Zhang Guangli and Cao Tingqiu, 2019, Money Following Trust: Evidence from China’s High-Value Payment System, International Review of Finance, 19: 385-412.
[14] Qian Xianhang, Cao Tingqiu and Cao Chunfang, 2018, Institutional Environment and Bank Loans: Evidence from Twenty-Five Developing Countries, Corporate Governance: An International Review,26: 84-96.
[15] Qian Xianhang, Wang Ying and Zhang Guangli, 2018, The Spatial Correlation Network of Capital Flows in China: Evidence from China's High-Value Payment System, China Economic Review,50: 175-186.
[16] Fang Xi, Liu Haiming and Qian Xianhang*, 2018, Political Incentives and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy: Evidence from China’s City Commercial Banks, Applied Economics Letters, 25: 70-73.
[17] Qian Xianhang, Zhang Guangli and Liu Haiming, 2015, Officials on Boards and the Prudential Behavior of Banks: Evidence from China’s City Commercial Banks, China Economic Review, 32: 84-96.
[18] 钱先航、曹廷求、李维安,《晋升压力、官员任期与城市商业银行的贷款行为》,《经济研究》2011.12
[19] 钱先航、曹廷求、曹春方,《既患贫又患不安:编制与公共部门的收入分配研究》,《经济研究》2015.7
[20] 钱先航、曹廷求,《钱随官走:地方官员与地区间的资金流动》,《经济研究》2017.2
[21] 李维安、钱先航*,《地方官员治理与城市商业银行的信贷投放》,《经济学季刊》2012.2
[22] 钱先航、徐业坤,《官员更替、政治身份与民营上市公司的风险承担》,《经济学季刊》2014.3
[23] 徐业坤、钱先航、李维安,《政治不确定性、政治关联与民营企业投资》,《管理世界》2013.5
[24] 曹春方、夏常源、钱先航,《地区间信任与集团异地发展》,《管理世界》2019.1
[25] 李维安、钱先航,《终极控制人的两权分离、所有制与经理层治理》,《金融研究》2010.12
[26] 钱先航、曹春方,《信用环境影响银行贷款组合吗?》,《金融研究》2013.4
[27] 钱先航、曹廷求,《法律、信用与银行贷款决策》,《金融研究》2015.5
[28] 钱先航、刘芸、王营,《高管媒体从业经历与股价大跌风险》,《金融研究》2023.3
[29] 王可,钱先航*、周亚拿,《赊销管控、票据化及其微观经济效果》,《中国工业经济》2024.2
[30] 曹廷求、钱先航,《公司治理与风险管理:基于治理风险视角的分析》,《会计研究》2011.7
[31] 钱先航、邱善运,《文化传统与委托贷款:基于上市公司的实证研究》,《南开经济研究》2022.6
[32] 钱先航,《官员更替与贷款增长:基于城市商业银行的实证研究》,《世界经济文汇》2012.3
[33] 钱先航,《官员任期、政治关联与城市商业银行的贷款投放》,《经济科学》2012.2
[34] 曹廷求、钱先航、郑静,《中国上市公司的治理改进:2002-2006》,《财经研究》2010.2
[35] 钱先航,《自主性治理与股权融资成本》,《经济管理》2010.2
[1] 《公司治理学》入选全国工程硕士在线课程重大建设项目,全国工程硕士教指委,2016
[2] 山东大学青年教学能手,山东大学,2021
[3] 山东大学2021-2022学年教师讲课比赛二等奖,山东大学,2021
[4] 山东大学2019-2020学年教师讲课比赛三等奖,山东大学,2020
[5] 山东大学本科优秀毕业论文指导教师,山东大学,2019、2020
[1]首届(2014年度)“孙冶方金融创新奖”,孙冶方经济科学基金会,2015, 1/3
[2]第十届全国优秀金融论文二等奖,中国人民银行、中国金融学会,2015, 1/3
[3]山东省第三十一次社会科学优秀成果一等奖,山东省政府,2017, 1/3
[5]山东省第三十三次社会科学优秀成果二等奖,山东省政府,2019, 1/2
[6]山东省第三十次社会科学优秀成果二等奖,山东省政府,2016, 1/2
[7]山东省第二十七次社会科学优秀成果二等奖,山东省政府,2013, 1/3
[8]山东省第二届人力资源社会保障优秀成果一等奖,山东省人社厅,2016, 1/3
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