• 其他栏目


    • 教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:浙江大学
    • 学历:博士研究生毕业
    • 学位:博士生
    • 在职信息:在职
    • 所在单位:高等医学研究院
    • 入职时间: 2020-09-12
    • 联系方式:xqi@email.sdu.edu.cn
    • 电子邮箱:xqi@email.sdu.edu.cn





    齐晓朋,山东大学教授,博士生导师。博士毕业于浙江大学,2010至2016年先后在美国国立犹太医学中心(National Jewish Health, Denver)和圣裘德(St. Jude, Memphis)儿童研究医院从事感染与免疫相关研究。2016年全职回国,先后在中国科学院昆明动物研究所和山东大学开展工作。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题、中国科学院百人计划等项目。获得国家杰出青年科学基金和中国科学院百人计划。

    主要从事病原菌感染与宿主免疫互作机制研究,探索炎症反应在宿主免疫防御和病原菌免疫逃逸形成潜伏感染中的内在作用机理,致力于脓毒症等急危重症感染的炎症反应动态变化规律和免疫治疗研究。通过解析通路调节及相关炎症反应机制,鉴定了一系列新的免疫信号调节分子,为病原体感染控制提供了潜在的重要靶点。在相关领域共发表SCI论文30余篇,包括以通讯和第一作者(含共同)发表Nature Immunology (2018), Immunity (2013), J Clin Invest (2020, 2018),Cell Death Differ (2021, 2018) 和 J Exp Med (2016)等论文。


    • 病原菌感染诱导炎症小体和I型干扰素信号激活机制

    • 病原菌感染诱导早期炎症反应的细胞发育、募集和功能机制

    • 脓毒症等重症感染和慢性炎性疾病的发病机制和细胞免疫干预


    • 报考专业-细胞生物学与免疫学

    • 每年招生名额-学术型硕士2名、学术型博士2名

    • 实验室长期招聘有科研兴趣的博士后、助理研究员和研究助理等工作人员。联系地址:xqi@email.sdu.edu.cn


    1. 国家杰出青年科学基金项目

    2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2023.12

    3. 国家重点研发计划重点专项“畜禽重要胞内菌基因调控及其与宿主互作的分子机制研究”项目,2017.07-2021.06,课题负责人

    4. 中国科学院“百人计划”A类,2016.01-2018.12,已结题

    代表性论文: (*共同通讯作者)

    1. Yu Guo#, Longjun Li#, Tao Xu#, Xiaomin Guo#, Chaoming Wang, Yihui Li, Yanan Yang, Dong Yang, Bin Sun, Xudong Zhao, Genze Shao, and Xiaopeng Qi. 2020. HUWE1 mediates inflammasome activation and promotes host defense against bacterial infection. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 130(12):6301-6316.


    2. Xiaomin Guo#, Pengcheng Ma#, Yuwei Li, Yanan Yang, Chaoming Wang, Tao Xu, Huishan Wang, Chaocui Li, Bingyu Mao*, and Xiaopeng Qi*. 2021. RNF220 mediates K63-linked polyubiquitination of STAT1 and promotes host defense. Cell Death & Differentiation, 28(2): 640-656.


    3. Xiaomin Guo, Chaoming Wang, Tao Xu, Lu Yang, Chaohong Liu, and Xiaopeng Qi. 2021. SiO2 prompts host defense against Acinetobacter baumannii infection by mTORC1 activation. Sci China-Life Sci, 64(6): 982-990.


    4. Christopher R. Lupfer, Paras K. Anand, Xiaopeng Qi, and Hasan Zaki. Editorial: Role of NOD-Like Receptors in Infectious and Immunological Diseases. Front. Immunol, 19 May 2020 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2020.00923


    5. Yang Li, Chaoming Wang, Xiangyu Wu, Hongbo Tian, Shanqun Jiang, Tao Xu, Zhiping Liu*, Jin-Lu Sun*, and Xiaopeng Qi*. 2020. IRF3 and IRF7 contribute to diesel exhaust particles-induced pulmonary inflammation by mediating mTORC1 activation and restraining autophagy in mice. European Journal of Immunology, 50: 1142–1153. (Cover Story)


    6. Tao Xu, Yu Guo, and Xiaopeng Qi. 2019. Ubiquitination-Mediated Inflammasome Activation during Bacterial Infection. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(9):2110.


    7. Li Zhang, Zhi-Li Shen, Yue Feng, Dao-Qun Li, Na-Na Zhang, Yong-Qiang Deng, Xiaopeng Qi, Xiao-Mei Sun, Jie-Jie Dai, Chun-Guang Yang, Zi-Feng Yang, Cheng-Feng Qin & Xue-Shan Xia. 2019. Infectivity of Zika virus on primary cells support tree shrew as animal model. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 8:1, 232-241, doi: 10.1080/22221751.2018.1559707.


    8. Na-Na Zhang, Li Zhang, Yong-Qiang Deng, Yue Feng, Feng Ma, Qi Wang, Qing Ye, Yuanyuan Han, Xiaomei Sun, Fu-Chun Zhang, Xiaopeng Qi, Guoqing Wang, Jiejie Dai, Xueshan Xia, Cheng-Feng Qin. 2019. Zika virus infection in Tupaia belangeri causes dermatological manifestations and confers protection against secondary infection. Journal of Virology, 93(8). pii: e01982-18. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01982-18.


    9. Xiaomin Guo, Huan Wang, Yang Li, Xiaopeng Leng, Weiwei Huang, Yanbing Ma, Tao Xu, and Xiaopeng Qi. 2019. Transfection reagent Lipofectamine triggers type I interferon signaling activation in macrophages. Immunology & Cell Biology, 97(1):92-96.


    10. Fubing Li#, Yang Li#, Huichun Liang#, Tao Xu#, Yanjie Kong, Maobo Huang, Ji Xiao, Xi Chen, Houjun Xia, Yingying Wu, Zhongmei Zhou, Xiaomin Guo, Chunmiao Hu, Chuanyu Yang, Xu Cheng, Ceshi Chen*, and Xiaopeng Qi*. 2018. HECTD3 mediates TRAF3 polyubiquitination and type I interferon induction during bacterial infection. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 128(9): 4148-4162.


    11. Lin Jin#, Xiaomin Guo#, Chuanbin Shen#, Xue Hao#, Peng Sun#, Pengpeng Li, Tao Xu, Chunmiao Hu, Ombati Rose, Hongning Zhou, Mingdong Yang, Cheng-Feng Qin, Jingya Guo, Hua Peng, Mingzhao Zhu, Gong Cheng*, Xiaopeng Qi*, and Ren Lai*. 2018. Salivary factor LTRIN from Aedes aegypti facilitates Zika virus transmission by interfering with the lymphotoxin-b receptor. Nature Immunology, 19: 342-353.


    12. Yang Li#, Xiaomin Guo#, Chunmiao Hu, Yan Du, Chuansheng Guo, Di Wang, Weiheng Zhao, Gonghua Huang, Chunliang Li, Qiumin Lu, Ren Lai*, Tao Xu*, and Xiaopeng Qi*. 2018. Type I IFN operates pyroptosis and necroptosis during multidrug-resistant A. baumannii infection. Cell Death & Differentiation, 25: 1304–1318.


    13. Yan-Hu Liu#, Lu Wang#, Tao Xu#Xiaomin Guo, Yang Li, Ting-Ting Yin, He-Chuan Yang, Yang Hu, Adeniyi C. Adeola, Oscar J. Sanke, Newton O. Otecko, Meng Wang, Yaping Ma, Olaogun S. Charles, Mikkel-Holger S. Sinding, Shyam Gopalakrishnan, José Alfredo Samaniego, Anders J. Hansen, Carlos Fernandes, Philippe Gaubert, Jane Budd, Philip M. Dawuda, Lubin Jiang, M.T.P Gilbert, Weiwei Zhai, Xiaopeng Qi*, Guo-Dong Wang*, and Ya-Ping Zhang*. 2018. Whole-genome sequencing of African dogs provides insights into adaptations against tropical parasites. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35(2): 287-298.


    14. Qiang Shao, Stephanie Herrlinger, Ya-Nan Zhu, Mei Yang, Forrest Goodfellow, Steven L. Stice, Xiaopeng Qi, Melinda A. Brindley, Jian-Fu Chen. 2017. The African Zika virus MR-766 is more virulent and causes more severe brain damage than current Asian lineage and Dengue virus. Development, 144(22): 4114-4124.


    15. Xiaopeng Qi. 2016. Formation of membrane pores by gasdermin-N causes pyroptosis.  Sci China-Life Sci, 07.26, 59(10): 1071-1073.


    16. Xiaopeng Qi#, Si Ming Man#, R K Subbarao Malireddi, Rajendra Karki, Christopher Lupfer, Prajwal Gurung, Geoffrey Neale, Clifford Guy, Mohamed Lamkanfi, and Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti. 2016. Cathepsin B modulates lysosomal biogenesis and host defense against Francisella novicida infection. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 213(10): 2081-97.


    17. Rajendra Karki,Si Ming Man, Subbarao Malireddi,Sannula Kesavardhana, Qifan Zhu, Amanda R. Burton,Bhesh Raj Sharma, Xiaopeng Qi, Stephane Pelletier, Peter Vogel, Philip Rosenstiel  & Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti. 2016. NLRC3 is an inhibitory sensor of PI3K–mTOR pathways in cancer. Nature, 540: 583–587.


    18. Xiaopeng Qi, Prajwal Gurung, R. K. Subbarao Malireddi, Peer W. F.  Karmaus, Deepika Sharma, Peter Vogel, Hongbo Chi, Douglas R. Green, and Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti. 2016. Critical role of caspase-8–mediated IL-1 signaling in promoting Th2 responses during asthma pathogenesis. Mucosal Immunology, 10(1): 128-138.


    19. Yapeng Li, Xiaopeng Qi, Bing Liu, Hua Huang. 2015. The STAT5–GATA2 Pathway Is Critical in Basophil and Mast Cell Differentiation and Maintenance. The Journal of Immunology, 194(9): 4328-38.


    20. Xiaopeng Qi, Jessie Hong, Lee Chaves, Yonghua Zhuang, Yuhong Chen, Demin Wang, Jacob Chabon, Brian Graham, Keitaro Ohmori, Yapeng Li, and Hua Huang. 2013. Antagonistic regulation by the transcription factors C/EBPa and MITF specifies basophil and mast cell fates. Immunity, 39 (1): 97-110.


    21. Roza I. Nurieva, Andrew Podd, Yuhong Chen, Andrei M. Alekseev, Mei Yu, Xiaopeng Qi, Hua Huang, Renren Wen, Junmei Wang, Haiyan S. Li, Stephanie S. Watowich, Hai Qi, Chen Dong and Demin Wang. 2012. STAT5 Protein Negatively Regulates T Follicular Helper (Tfh) Cell Generation and Function. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (14): 11234-11239.


    22. Xiaopeng Qi#, Jun Nishida#, Lee Chaves, Keitaro Ohmori and Hua Huang. 2011. C/EBPα is critical for interleukin-4 expression in response to FcεR1 receptor cross-linking. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286 (18): 16063-16073. 


    2020.09 -- 至今


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