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宋锋玲, 山东大学化学与化工学院前沿化学研究院教授,博士生导师,山东大学杰出青年学者。首批国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目获得者,教育部新世纪优秀人才计划入选者,大连市杰出青年科技人才培育计划入选者,科技部重点研发计划项目首席科学家。Chinese Chemicals Letters 的青年编委,中国感光学会-光学传感与诊疗专业委员会委员。主要从事有机荧光染料的结构性能研究,并开展荧光染料及功能化荧光纳米粒子在生物医学领域的成像与光学治疗研究。研究成果获2007年全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖; 2012年教育部自然科学一等奖;2012年辽宁省自然科学一等奖;2016年辽宁省自然科学学术成果论文类一等奖,2018年中国石油和化学工业联合会创新团队奖。
2006年01月至2006年11月美国Wayne State University化学系, 有机化学博士后
2006年12月至2009年11月美国University of Pittsburgh化学系, 有机化学博士后
2012年07月至2012年11月美国Washington University in St Louis医学院, 访问学者
1. Chen, Wenlong; Wang, Zehui; Tian, Mingyu; Hong, Gaobo; Wu, Yingnan; Sui, Mengzhang; Chen, Miaomiao; An, Jing; Song, Fengling;* Peng, Xiaojun. Integration of TADF Photosensitizer as “Electron Pump” and BSA as “Electron Reservoir” for Boosting Type I Photodynamic Therapy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 8130–8140.
2. An, Jing; Tang, Shanliang; Hong, Gaobo; Chen, Wenlong; Chen, Miaomiao; Lv, Shibo; Song, Jitao Dapeng, Liu; Li, Zhiliang; Peng, Xiaojun; Song, Fengling;* Zheng, Wen-heng.* An Unexpected Strategy to Alleviate Hypoxia Limitation of Photodynamic Therapy by Biotination of Photosensitizers. Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 2225.
3. Xiong, Xiaoqing; Song, Fengling;* Wang, Jingyun; Zhang, Yukang; Xue, Yingying; Sun, Liangliang; Jiang, Na; Gao, Pan; Tian, Lu; Peng, Xiaojun. Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence of Fluorescein Derivative for Time-Resolved and Confocal Fluorescence Imaging. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 9590−9597.
4. Song, Fengling; Watanabe, Shuji; Floreancig, Paul E.; Koide, Kazunori.* Oxidation-resistant fluorogenic probe for mercury based on alkyne oxymercuration. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 16460–16461.
5. Song, Fengling; Garner, Amanda L; Koide, Kazunori.* A highly sensitive fluorescent sensor for palladium based on the allylic oxidative insertion mechanism. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 12354–12355.
1. Chen, Wenlong; Wang, Zehui; Tian, Mingyu; Du, Jianjun; Hong, Gaobo; Song, Fengling;* Peng, Xiaojun. Self-Assembly-Integrated Tumor Targeting and Electron Transfer Programming Towards Boosting Tumor Type I Photodynamic Therapy. Chem. Sci., 2024, ASAP.
2. Chen, Wenlong; Wang, Zehui; Tian, Mingyu; Du, Jianjun; Hong, Gaobo; Song, Fengling;* Peng, Xiaojun. Space-Arranged Intramolecular Modular Assembled Dyad as Superior-Performance “Superoxide Anion Engine” for Boosting Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Materials Lett., 2024, 6, 2350-2359.
3. Sun, Han; Li, Lukun; Guo, Ruihua; Wang, Zhe; Guo, Yanhui; Li, Zhiliang;* Song, Fengling.* Suppressing ACQ of molecular photosensitizers by distorting the conjugated-plane for enhanced tumor photodynamic therapy. Chem. Sci., 2024, 20, 606-615.
4. Lv, Shibo; Wang,Bo; Wu, Yingnan; Zhang, Ruiling; Feng, Erting; Liu, Tianyu; Xie, Xiangyu; Jiang, Jiaru; Hou, Xincan; Liu,Dapeng;* Song, Fengling.* Configuration-mediated excited-state energy dissipation in metal-bridged dimeric D-A fluorophores for enhanced photothermal therapy. Acta Biomaterialia., 2024, 174, 400-411.
5. Hao, Caiqing; Shao, Yutong; Tian, Jiarui; Song, Jitao;* Song, Fengling.* Dual-Responsive Hollow Mesoporous Organosilicon Nanocarriers for Photodynamic Therapy. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2024, 659, 582-593.
6. Shao, Yutong; Hao, Caiqing; Guo, Yanhui; Song, Jitao;* Song, Fengling.* Stable Hybrid Nanocapsules with Gold Nanorods and Cyanine Dyes for Near-Infrared Photothermal Ablation of Subcutaneous Tumor. Adv. Therap. 2023, 6, 2300066.
7. Guo, Yanhui; Li, Lukun; Huang, Shuheng;* Sun, Han; Shao, Yutong; Li, Zhiliang;* Song, Fengling.* Exploring Linker-Group-Guided Self-Assembly of Ultrathin 2D Supramolecular Nanosheets in Water for Synergistic Cancer Phototherapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15, 54851–54862.
8. Shao, Yutong; Luan, Yanfei; Hao, Caiqing; Song, Jitao;* Li, Li;* Song, Fengling.* Antimicrobial protection of two controlled release silver nanoparticles on simulated silk cultural relic. Journal of Colloid And Interface Science 2023, 652, 901–911.
9. Sun, Qianqian; Chen, Weilin; Wang, Man; Zheng, Pan; Gao, Minghong;* Song, Fengling,* Li, Chunxia. * A “Chase and Block” Strategy for Enhanced Cancer Therapy with Hypoxia-Promoted Photodynamic Therapy and Autophagy Inhibition Based on Upconversion Nanocomposites. Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2023, 12, 2301087.
10. Wu, Jingxi; Shang, Jingjing; An, Jing; Chen, Wenlong; Hong, Gaobo; Hou, Haoran; Zheng, Wen-Heng;* Song, Fengling;* Peng, Xiaojun. Jointly Depleting Glutathione based on Self-assembled Nanomicelles for Enhancing Photodynamic Therapy. ChemBioChem, 2023, 24, e202200323.
11. Hong, Gaobo; Wu, Yingnan; An, Jing; Chen, Wenlong; Song, Fengling;* Peng, Xiaojun. A TADF-based purely organic heterogeneous photocatalyst with hydrophobic domains for efficient oxidation of sulfide into sulfoxide in water. Sustainable Energy & Fuels. 2023, 145, 8130–8140.
12. Shao, Yutong; Chen, Miaomiao; Chen, Miaomiao; Wang, Zehui; Sui, Mengzhang; Tian, Mingyu; Wu, Yingnan; Song, Jitao;* Ji, Debin;* Song, Fengling.* Integration of Activation by Hypoxia and Inhibition Resistance of Tumor cells to Apoptosis for Precise and Augmented Photodynamic Therapy. Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2023, 12, 2300503.
13. Peng, Lekai; Chen, Wenlong; Hou, Haoran; Tian, Mingyu; Song, Fengling;* Zheng, Wen-Heng;* Peng, Xiaojun. Red-to-near-infrared self-reporting photosensitizers with high photostability for photodynamic therapy. Dyes & Pigments. 2023, 217, 111426.
14. Chen, Wenlong; Wang, Zehui; Tian, Mingyu; Hong, Gaobo; Wu, Yingnan; Sui, Mengzhang; Chen, Miaomiao; An, Jing; Song, Fengling;* Peng, Xiaojun. Integration of TADF Photosensitizer as “Electron Pump” and BSA as “Electron Reservoir” for Boosting Type I Photodynamic Therapy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 8130–8140.
15. Lv, Fangyuan; Feng, Erting; Lv, Shibo; Liu, Dapeng;* Song, Fengling;* Metal-Coordination-Mediated H-Aggregates of Cyanine Dyes for Effective Photothermal Therapy. Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e202301483
16. Tian, Mingyu; Chen, Wenlong; Hong, Gaobo; Chen, Miaomiao; Song, Fengling;* Zheng, Wen-Heng;* Peng, Xiaojun. Efficient Photodynamic Therapy Nanocarriers with Oxygen Saving and Smart ReleasingTranslocating Properties. ACS Materials Letters 2023, 5, 1922-1928.
17. Sun, Han; Guo, Ruihua; Guo, Yanhui; Song, Jitao; Li, Zhiliang;* Song, Fengling.* Boosting Type‑I and Type-II ROS Production of Water-Soluble Porphyrin for Efficient Hypoxic Tumor Therapy. Mol. Pharmaceutics, 2023, 20, 606-615
18. Wu, Yingnan; Zhao, Yanliang; Hou, Haoran; Hong, Gaobo; Guo, Hanhui; Zhang, Ruiling; Chen, Wenlong; Tian, Jiarui; Lv, Shibo; Wang, Honglei; Wang, Meishan;* Wu, Chenyu;* Song, Fengling.* Oxygen-Insensitive Delayed Fluorescence Based on Singlet Manifold. Advanced Optical Materials, 2023, 11, 2202413.
19. Lv, Fangyuan; Fan, Xiaoxue; Liu, Dapeng;* Song, Fengling;* Photothermal agents based on small organic fluorophores with intramolecular motion. Acta Biomaterialia 2022, 149, 16-29.
20. Feng, Erting; Liu, Yuhan; Lv, Shibo; Dapeng, Liu;* Huang, Shuheng; Li, Zhiliang; Song, Fengling.* Fine-Tuning Cu (II)-Induced Self-Assembly of Hydrophilic Cyanine Dyes for Enhanced Tumor Photothermal Therapy. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2022,32, 2209258.
21. Lv, Shibo; Liu, Yuhan; Zhao, Yanliang; Fan, Xiaoxue; Lv, Fangyuan; Feng, Erting; Dapeng, Liu;* Song, Fengling.* Rational design of a small organic photosensitizer for NIR-I imaging-guided synergistic photodynamic and photothermal therapy. Biomater. Sci., 2022, 10, 4785-4795.
22. Jin, Lin; Miao, Yuyang; Dapeng, Liu;* Song, Fengling.* Fe/Mn-Porphyrin Coordination Polymer Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Guided-Combination Therapy between Photodynamic Therapy and Chemodynamic Therapy. ChemistrySelect, 2022, 7, e202104366.
23. Guo, Yanhui; Huang, Shuheng; Sun, Han; Wang, Zhe; Shao, Yutong; Li, Lukun; Li, Zhiliang;* Song, Fengling.* Tuning the aqueous self-assembly of porphyrins by varying the number of cationic side chains. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2022, 105, 5968–5975.
24. Sun, Jinghan; Feng, Erting; Shao, Yutong; Lv, Fangyuan; Wu, Yingnan; Tian, Jiarui; Sun, Han; Song, Fengling.* A selenium-substituted heptamethine cyanine photosensitizer for near-infrared photodynamic therapy. ChemBioChem, 2022, 23, e202200421.
25. Wang, Donghui; Hou, Haoran; Chen, Wenlong; Wu, Yingnan; Peng, Xiaojun; Song, Fengling.* A turn-on fluorescent probe for palladium(II) detection with a large Stokes shift and lysosomes-targeting ability. Tetrahedron Letters, 2022, 102,153932.
26. Chen, Miaomiao; Zhao, Shuju; Zhu, Jialong; Feng, Erting; Lv, Fangyuan; Chen, Wenlong; Lv, Shibo; Wu, Yingnan; Peng, Xiaojun; Song, Fengling.* Open-Source and Reduced-Expenditure Nanosystem with ROS Self-Amplification and Glutathione Depletion for Simultaneous Augmented Chemodynamic/Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14, 20682-20692.
27. An, Jing; Tang, Shanliang; Feng, Erting; Tian, Mingyu; Chen, Wenlong; Chen, Miaomiao; Hong, Gaobo; Peng, Xiaojun; Song, Fengling.* Naphthofluorescein-Based Organic Nanoparticles with Superior Stability for Near-Infrared Photothermal Therapy. Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 10051–10059.
28. An, Jing; Tang, Shanliang; Hong, Gaobo; Chen, Wenlong; Chen, Miaomiao; Lv, Shibo; Song, Jitao Dapeng, Liu; Li, Zhiliang; Peng, Xiaojun; Song, Fengling;* Zheng, Wen-heng.* An Unexpected Strategy to Alleviate Hypoxia Limitation of Photodynamic Therapy by Biotinylation of Photosensitizers. Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 2225.
29. Tian, Mingyu; Chen, Wenlong; Wu, Yingnan; An, Jing; Hong, Gaobo; Chen, Miaomiao; Song, Fengling;* Zheng, Wen-heng;* Peng, Xiaojun. Liposome-Based Nanoencapsulation of a Mitochondria-Stapling Photosensitizer for Efficient Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14, 12050-12058.
30. Zhao, Yanliang; Wu,Yingnan; Chen, Wenlong; Zhang, Ruiling; Hong, Gaobo; Tian, Jiarui; Wang, Honglei; Zheng, Daoyuan; Zhou, Wu, Chenyu; Jiang, Xiao; Huo, Xinming; Sun, Lei;*; Deng, Weiqiao; Han, Keli; Song, Fengling.* The Second Excited Triplet−State Facilitates TADF and Triplet−Triplet Annihilation Photon Upconversion via a Thermally Activated Reverse Internal Conversion. Advanced Optical Materials, 2022,10, 2102275.
31. Feng, Erting; Jiao, Long; Tang, Shanliang; Chen, Miaomiao; Lv, Shibo; Dapeng, Liu; Song, Jitao; Peng, Xiaojun; Song, Fengling.* Anti-Photobleaching Cyanine-Based Nanoparticles with Simultaneous PET and ACQ Effects for Improved Tumor Photothermal Therapy. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 432, 134355.
32. Chen, Shuang; Liu, Yongzhuo; Liang, Ri; Hong, Gaobo; An, Jing; Peng, Xiaojun; Zheng, Wen-heng;* Song, Fengling.* Self-assembly of amphiphilic peptides to construct activatable nanophotosensitizers for theranostic photodynamic therapy. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021, 32, 3903-3906.
33. Tang, Shanliang; An, Jing; Song, Fengling;* Lv, Meiheng; Han, Keli; Peng, Xiaojun. Extending the legible time of light-responsive rewritable paper with a tunable photochromic diarylethene molecule. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 51441-51425.
34. Chen, Miaomiao; Song, Jitao;* Zhu, Jialong; Hong, Gaobo; An, Jing; Feng, Erting; Peng, Xiaojun; Song, Fengling.* A Dual-Nanozyme-Catalyzed Cascade Reactor for Enhanced Photodynamic Oncotherapy against Tumor Hypoxia. Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2021, 10, 2101049.
35. Shao, Yutong; Song, Jitao;* Li, Xiaorong; Ren, Guoqing; Song, Fengling;* Synthesis of Noble Metal M@YSiO 2 Yolk−Shell Nanoparticles with Thin Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Outer Shells via an Aqueous Medium Phase. Langmuir 2021, 37, 7237-7245.
36. Liu, Yuhan; Chen, Miaomiao; Zhao,Yanliang; Lv, Shibo; Zheng, Daoyuan; Dapeng, Liu;* Song, Fengling;* A Novel D-A-D Photosensitizer for Efficient NIR Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy. ChemBioChem 2021, 22, 2161-2167.
37. Lv, Fangyuan; Liu, Dapeng;* Zheng, Wen-heng; Zhao,Yanliang; Song, Fengling;* BOPHY-Based Aggregation-Induced-Emission Nanoparticle Photosensitizers for Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021, 4, 6012-6019.
38. Li, Xiaorong; Shao, Yutong; Lv, Shibo; Tian, Jiarui; Zheng, Daoyuan; Song, Jitao;* Song, Fengling;* Au@mSiO 2 core–shell nanoparticles loaded with fluorescent dyes: synthesis and application for imaging performance. Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 5624-5631.
39. Miao, Yuyang; Lv, Shibo; Zheng, Daoyuan; Liu, Yuhan; Liu, Dapeng;* Song, Fengling;* Porphyrin-based metal coordination polymers with self-assembly pathway-dependent properties for photodynamic and photothermal therapy. Biomater. Sci., 2021, 9, 2533-2541.
40. Chen, Miaomiao; Liu, Dapeng; Liu, Fusheng; Wu,Yingnan; Peng, Xiaojun; Song, Fengling.* Recent advances of redox-responsive nanoplatforms for tumor theranostics. Journal of Controlled Release, 2021, 332,269-284.
41. Jin, Lin; Lv, Shibo; Miao, Yuyang; Liu,Dapeng*; Song, Fengling;* Recent Development of Porous Porphyrin-based Nanomaterials for Photocatalysis. ChemCatChem, 2021, 13, 140—152.
42. Lv, Shibo; Miao, Yuyang; Zheng, Daoyang; Li, Xiaoju; Liu,Dapeng*; Song, Fengling;* Self-Assembled Platinum Supramolecular Metallacycles Based on a Novel TADF Photosensitizer for Efficient Cancer Photochemotherapy. Mol. Pharmaceutics, 2021, 18, 1229−1237
43. Liu, Yuhan; Lv, Shibo; Liu, Dapeng;* Song, Fengling;* Recent development of amorphous metal coordination polymers for cancer therapy. Acta Biomaterialia, 2020, 116, 16-31.
44. Lv, Shibo; Miao, Yuyang; Liu,Dapeng*; Song, Fengling.* Recent Development of Photothermal Agents (PTAs) Based on Small Organic Molecular Dyes. ChemBioChem, 2020, 21, 2098—2110.
45. Ying, Huiyi; Wu,Yingnan; Peng, Xiaojun; Song, Fengling.* A turn-on TADF chemosensor for sulfite with a microsecond-scale luminescence lifetime. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 10549—10551.
46. Wu,Yingnan; Zhao, Yanliang; Zhou, Panwang; Zheng, Daoyuan; Wang, Honglei; Tang, Shanliang; Tian, Jiarui; Yang, Songqiu; Deng, Weiqiao; Han, Keli; Song, Fengling.* Enhancing Intersystem Crossing to Achieve Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence in a Water-Soluble Fluorescein Derivative with a Flexible Propenyl Group. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 5692–5698.
47. Jiao, Long; Liu, Yongzhuo; Zhang, Xiaoye; Hong, Gaobo; Zheng, Jing; Cui, Jingnan; Peng, Xiaojun Song, Fengling.* Constructing a Local Hydrophobic Cage in Dye-Doped Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles to Enhance the Photophysical Properties. ACS Central Science 2020, 6,747-759.
48. Zheng, Jing; Liu, Yongzhuo; Song, Fengling;* Jiao, Long; Wu,Yingnan; Peng, Xiaojun. A nitroreductase-activatable near-infrared theranostic photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy under mild hypoxia. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 5819-5822.
49. Wu,Yingnan; Jiao, Long; Song, Fengling;* Chen, Miaomiao; Liu, Dapeng;* Yang, Wei; Yuming, Sun; Hong, Gaobo; Wu,Yingnan; Liu, lingge; Peng, Xiaojun. Achieving Long-lived thermally activated delayed fluorescence in the atmospheric aqueous environment by nano-encapsulation. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 14522--14525
50. Chen, Wenlong; Song, Fengling.* Thermally activated delayed fluorescence molecules and their new applications aside from OLEDs. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2019, 30, 1717-1730.
51. Liu, Zhiwei; Shi, Wenbo; Hong, Gaobo; Chen,Wenlong; Song, Bo; Peng, Xiaojun; Xiong, Xiaoqing;* Song, Fengling.* A dual-targeted theranostic photosensitizer based on a TADF fluorescein derivative. Journal of Controlled Release 2019, 310, 1−10.
52. Jiao, Long; Zhang, Xiaoye; Cui, Jingnan; Peng, Xiaojun Song, Fengling.* Three-in-one Functional Silica Nanocarrier with Singlet Oxygen Generation, Storage/release and Self-monitoring for Enhanced Fractional Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 27250-27257.
53. Liu, Zhiwei; Song, Fengling;* Shi, Wenbo; Gurzadyan, Gagik; Yin, Huiyi; Song, Bo; Liang, Ri; Peng, Xiaojun. Nitroreductase-activatable theranostic molecules with high PDT efficiency under mild hypoxia based on a TADF fluorescein derivative. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 15426−15435.
54. Chen, Wenlong; Song, Fengling;* Tang, Shanliang; Hong, Gaobo; Wu,Yingnan; Peng, Xiaojun. Red-to-blue photon up-conversion with high efficiency based on a TADF fluorescein derivative. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 4375 - 4378
55. Tang, Shanliang; Song, Fengling;* Lu, Meiheng; Han, Keli; Peng, Xiaojun. Rational design of a visible-light photochromic diarylethene: a simple strategy by extending conjugation with electron donating groups. SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 2019, 62, 451-459.
56. Jiao, Long; Song, Fengling;* Cui, Jingnan; Peng, Xiaojun. A near infrared heptamethine aminocyanine dye with a long-living excited triplet state for photodynamic therapy. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 9198 – 9201.
57. Liu, Zhiwei; Song, Fengling;* Song, Bo; Jiao, Long; An, Jing; Yuan, Jingli; Peng, Xiaojun. A FRET chemosensor for hypochlorite with large Stokes Shifts and long-lifetime emissions. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 2018, 262,958-965.
58. An, Jing; Wu, Yingnan; Lu, Meiheng; Han, Keli; Song, Fengling;* Peng, Xiaojun. Long-Wavelength Chromophores with Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Based on Fluorescein Derivatives. Journal of Photonics for Energy, 2018, 8(3), 032103.
59. Song, Fengling;* Liang, Ri; Deng, Jundie; Liu, Zhiwei, Peng, Xiaojun. Fine-tailoring the linker of near-infrared fluorescence probes for nitroreductase imaging in hypoxic tumour cells. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2017, 28, 1997-2000.
60. Jiao, Long; Song, Fengling;* Zhang, Biyou; Ning, Houfu; Cui, Jingnan;* Peng, Xiaojun. Improving brightness and photostability of NIR fluorescent silica nanoparticles through rational fine-tuning of the covalent encapsulation methods. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5, 5278 - 5283
61. Wu, Yingnan; Song, Fengling;* Luo, Wenfang; Liu, Zhiwei; Song, Bo; Peng, Xiaojun. Enhanced Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence in New Fluorescein Derivatives By Introducing Aromatic Carbonyl Groups. ChemPhotoChem 2017, 1, 79-83.
62. Wang, Xu; Song, Fengling;* Peng, Xiaojun. A versatile fluorescent probe for imaging viscosity and hypochlorite in living cells. Dyes & Pigments. 2016, 125, 89-94
63. Xiong, Xiaoqing; Zheng, Laijiu;* Yan, Jun; Ye, Fang; Qian, Yongfang; Song, Fengling.*A turn-on and colorimetric metal-free long lifetime fluorescent probe and its application for time-resolved luminescent detection and bioimaging of cysteine. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 53660-53664.
64. Xiong, Xiaoqing; Song, Fengling;* Wang, Jingyun; Zhang, Yukang; Xue, Yingying; Sun, Liangliang; Jiang, Na; Gao, Pan; Tian, Lu; Peng, Xiaojun. Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence of Fluorescein Derivative for Time-Resolved and Confocal Fluorescence Imaging. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 9590−9597
65. Song, Fengling;* Ning, Houfu; She, Haiying; Wang, Jingyun; Peng, Xiaojun. A turn-on fluorescent probe for Au3+ based on rodamine derivative and its bioimaging application. Science China Chemistry. 2014, 57, 1043−1047
66. Song, Fengling;* Xue,Yingying; Wang, Xu; Wang, Jingyun; Xiong, Xiaoqing; Peng, Xiaojun. Ratiometric fluorescent probe based on novel red-emission BODIPY for determination of bovine serum albumin. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities. 2014, 30, 738−742.
67. Chen, Bo; Song, Fengling;* Sun, Shiguo; Fan, Jiangli; Peng, Xiaojun. A Highly Sensitive Fluorescent Chemosensor for Ruthenium: Oxidation Plays Triple Roles. Chem. A Eur. J., 2013, 19,10115-10118.
68. She, Haiying; Song, Fengling;* Xu, Juan; Xiong, Xiaoqing; Chen,Gengwen; Fan, Jiangli; Sun, Shiguo; Peng, Xiaojun.* A New Tridentate Sulfur Receptor as A Highly Selective and Sensitive Fluorescent Sensor for Cu2+ ions. Chem. An Asian J., 2013, 8,2762-2767.
69. Wang, Junyu; Song, Fengling;* Wang, Jingyun; Peng, Xiaojun.* A Near-infrared and Ratiometric Fluorescent Chemosensor for Palladium. Analyst, 2013, 138, 3667-3672.
70. Chen,Gengwen; Song, Fengling;* Xiong, Xiaoqing; Peng, Xiaojun.* Fluorescent Nanosensors Based on Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET). Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52, 11228-112245..
71. Xiong, Xiaoqing; Song, Fengling;* Chen, Gengwen; Sun, Wen; Wang, Jingyun; Gao, Pan; Zhang, Yukang; Qiao,Bo; Li, Wenfang; Sun, Shiguo; Fan, Jiangli; Peng, Xiaojun.* Construction of Long-Wavelength Fluorescein Analogues and Their Application as Fluorescent Probes. Chem. A Eur. J., 2013,19, 6538-6545.
72. Xiong, Xiaoqing; Song, Fengling;* Sun, Shiguo; Fan, Jiangli; Qiang, Xinxin; Wang, Xu; Dou, Bairui; Peng, Xiaojun.* Red-Emissive Fluorescein Derivatives and Detection of Bovine Serum Albumin. Asian J. Org. Chem., 2013, 2, 145 – 149.
73. Chen,Gengwen; Song, Fengling;* Wang, Jingyun; Yang, Zhigang; Sun,Shiguo; Fan, Jiangli; Qiang, Xinxin; Wang, Xu; Dou, Bairui; Peng, Xiaojun.* FRET spectral unmixing: a ratiometric fluorescent nanoprobe for hypochlorite. Chem.Commun., 2012, 48 (24), 2949 – 2951.
74. Chen,Gengwen; Song, Fengling;* Wang, Xu; Fan, Jiangli; Sun,Shiguo; Qiang, Xinxin; Dou, Bairui; Peng, Xiaojun.* Bright and Stable Cy3-Encapsulated Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles with a Large Stokes Shift. Dyes & Pigments. 2012,93,1532-1537
75. Koide, Kazunori;* Osman, Sami; Garner, Amanda L; Song, Fengling; Dixon, Tracy; Greenberger, Joel S; Epperly, Michael W. The Use of 3,5,40-Tri-O-acetylresveratrol as a Potential Prodrug for Resveratrol Protects Mice from γ-Irradiation-Induced Death. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 2, 270–274
76. Peng, Xiaojun;* Yang, Zhigang; Wang, Jingyun; Fan, Jiangli; He, Yanxia; Song, Fengling; Wang, Bingshuai; Sun, Shiguo; Qu, Junle; Qi, Jing; Yan, Meng. Fluorescence Ratiometry and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging: Using a Single Molecular Sensor for Dual Mode Imaging of Cellular Viscosity. J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 2011, 133, 6626–6635
77. Peng, Xiaojun;* Wu, Tong; Fan, Jiangli; Wang, Jingyun; Zhang, Si; Song, Fengling; Sun, Shiguo. An Effective Minor Groove Binder as a Red Fluorescent Marker for Live-Cell DNA Imaging and Quantification. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 4180 –4183
78. Song, Fengling; Carder, Evan J.; Kohler, Clare C.; Koide, Kazunori.* Studies Toward an Ideal Fluorescence Method to Measure Palladium in Functionalized Organic Molecules: Effects of Sodium Borohydride, Temperature, Phosphine Ligand, and Phosphate Ions on Kinetics. Chem.-Eur. J., 2010, 16,13500-13508.
79. Li, Honglin; Fan, Jiangli; Song, Fengling; Zhu, Hao; Du, Jianjun; Sun, Shiguo; Peng, Xiaojun.* Fluorescent Probes for Pd2+ Detection by Allylidene–Hydrazone Ligands with Excellent Selectivity and Large Fluorescence Enhancement. Chem.-Eur. J., 2010, 16,12349-12356.
80. Song, Fengling; Wang, Li; Qiao, Xiaoqiang; Wang, Bingshuai; Sun, Shiguo; Fan, Jiangli; Zhang, Lihua; Peng, Xiaojun.* Asymmetric trimethine 3H-indocyanine dyes: efficient synthesis and protein Labeling. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, 8, 4249–4251
81. Garner, Amanda L; Song, Fengling; Koide, Kazunori.* Enhancement of a Catalysis-Based Fluorometric Detection method for palladium through rational fine-tuning of the palladium species. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 5163-5171.
82. Song, Fengling; Watanabe, Shuji; Floreancig, Paul E.; Koide, Kazunori.* Oxidation-resistant fluorogenic probe for mercury based on alkyne oxymercuration. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 16460–16461.
83. Koide, Kazunori;* Song, Fengling; de Groh, Eric D.; Garner, Amanda L.; Mitchell, Valerie D.; Davidson, Lance A.; Hukriede, Neil A. Scalable and concise synthesis of dichlorofluorescein derivatives displaying tissue permeation in live zebrafish embryos. ChemBioChem 2008, 9, 214-128.
84. Song, Fengling; Garner, Amanda L; Koide, Kazunori.* A highly sensitive fluorescent sensor for palladium based on the allylic oxidative insertion mechanism. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 12354–12355. (Featured in C&E News 2007, October 1 issue, pg. 30.)
85. Wang, Yanan; Guo, Xinwen;* Zhang, Chen; Song, Fengling; Wang, Xiangsheng; Liu, Hai-ou; Xu, Xiaochun; Song, Chunshan; Zhang, Weiping; Liu, Xiumei; Han, Xiuwen; Bao, Xinhe. Influence of calcination temperature on the stability of fluorinated nanosized HZSM-5 in the methylation of biphenyl. Catal. Lett. 2006, 107, 209-214.
86. Peng, Xiaojun;* Song, Fengling; Lu, Erhu; Wang, Yanan; Zhou, Wei; Fan, Jiangli; Gao, Yunling. Heptamethine cyanine dyes with a large stokes shift and strong fluorescence: A paradigm for excited-state intramolecular charge transfer. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 4170-4171.
87. Song, Fengling; Peng, Xiaojun;* Lu, Erhu; Wang, Yanan; Zhou, Wei; Fan, Jiangli. Tuning the photoinduced electron transfer in near-infrared heptamethine cyanine dyes. Tetrahedron Lett. 2005, 46, 4817-4820.
88. Lu, Erhu; Peng, Xiaojun;* Song, Fengling; Fan, Jiangli. A novel fluorescent sensor for triplex DNA. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2005, 15(2), 255-257.
89. Song, Fengling; Peng, Xiaojun;* Lu, Erhu; Zhang, Rong; Chen, Xiuying; Song, Bo. Syntheses, spectral properties and photostabilities of novel water-soluble near-infrared cyanine dyes. J. of Photochem. & Photobio. A: Chem. 2004, 168, 53–57.
90Wang, Liqiu; Peng, Xiaojun;* Song, Fengling; Lu, Erhu; Cui, Jingnan; Gao, Xinqin; Lu, Rongwen. New near-infrared indocyanines and their spectral properties in SiO2 sol-gel. Dyes and Pigments. 2004, 61(2), 103-107.