Paper Publications
- [61] songxiuguang. 真空降水—低能强夯联合加固法处理粉土地基的现场试验研究. 铁道建筑, 2011.
- [62] songxiuguang. 湿陷性黄土地基强夯加固控制指标的研究. 铁道建筑, 2011.
- [63] songxiuguang. 粉喷桩复合地基摩阻力分布规律分析. 《岩土工程学报》, 2006.
- [64] songxiuguang. 重载交通下锚拉悬臂式挡土墙受力特性研究. 《公路》, 2015.
- [65] zhanghongbo and songxiuguang. 强夯加固粉土地基超孔隙水压力增长规律研究. 铁道建筑, 2015.
- [66] songxiuguang. 黄泛区粉土路基强度衰减对路面结构的影响分析. 《公路交通科技》, 2010.
- [67] songxiuguang. 群桩水平承载特性数值模拟研究. 铁道建筑, 2015.
- [68] yaozhanyong , songxiuguang and shangqingsen. Test study of pore water pressure during dynamic compaction at the subgrade of highway in the Yellow River flood area. Advanced Materials research, v 374-377, 436, 2012.
- [69] yaozhanyong , shangqingsen and songxiuguang. Research of impact compaction technology on foundation and subgrade in Yellow River flooded area. Advanced Materials research, v 368-373, 1142, 2012.
- [70] songxiuguang and zhanghongbo. 粉喷桩复合地基摩阻力分布规律分析. 《岩土工程学报》, 28, 1090, 2006.