1. 劳动经济学
1. 宋彦. The Effects of State-level Pharmacist Regulations on Generic Substitution of Prescription Drugs. Health Economics, 2018.
2. . Media Attention and Choice of Major: Evidence from Violence Against Doctors in China. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2021.
3. . Admission Mechanisms and Mismatches between Colleges and Students: Evidence from Large Field Data in China. ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW, 2019.
4. . Noncognitive skills and gender gap in test scores. Applied Economics, 2021.
5. The Effects of State-level Pharmacist Regulations on Generic Substitution of Prescription Drugs. Health Economics, 27.11, 2018.
6. Admission Mechanisms and Mismatches between Colleges and Students: Evidence from Large Field Data in China. Economics of Education Review, 68, 2019.
7. Media Attention and Choice of Major: Evidence from Violence Against Doctors in China. Journal of Economic and Behavior Organization, 170, 1-19, 2020.
8. Noncognitive skills and gender gap in test scores. Applied Economics, 53, 3423-3437, 2021.
1. 不对称财税体制改革激励机制与新一轮财税体制改革关键要素设计, 2024/08/23-2028/12/31
2. (包干项目)高考录取制度改革和志愿填报:理论和实证研究, 2024/01/01-2026/12/31