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- [151] 王静 , 隋青美 , 王汉鹏 and 王正方. Measurement of multi-axial stresses using a phase-shifted FBG and the adaptive particle swarm opt.... 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2587, 2017.
- [152] 王静 , 王正方 , 隋青美 , 贾磊 and 韩明娟. Experimental Research of Microseismic Source localization Based on Improved Simplex Optimization .... 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 3264, 2017.
- [153] 姜明顺 , 隋青美 , 张雷 , 曹玉强 and 张法业. 基于可调谐DFB激光器的FBG加速度检测系统. 《光电子激光》, 2015.
- [154] 张飒飒 , 隋青美 , 吕光平 and 常军. External optical feedback effects on stability of asymmetric DFB-FL and isolation method. Journal of Modern Optics, 2014.
- [155] 隋青美 and 冯德军. 飞秒激光制作微型光纤干涉传感器的研究进展. 《光学技术》, 38, 250, 2012.
- [156] 刘斌 , 隋青美 , 李术才 , 李树忱 , 李利平 and 王静. 新型FBG渗压传感器在隧道涌水模型中的应用. 《光电子激光》, 20, 1286, 2009.
- [157] 王静 , 隋青美 and 冯德军. 基于拉杆结构的光纤光栅渗压传器研究. 《光学学报》, 30, 686, 2010.
- [158] 王静 , 隋青美 , 姜明顺 and 冯德军. Novel FBG vibration sensor based on matching filter demodulation. SPIE, 7283, 2009.
- [159] 王正方 , 隋青美 , 贾磊 and 王静. Development of smart CFRP composites embedded with FBG sensors. 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2593, 2017.
- [160] 姜明顺 , 隋青美 and 刘晓慧. HCPCF-Based In-Line Fiber Fabry-Perot Refractometer and High Sensitivity Signal Processing Method. PHOTONIC SENSORS, 7, 336, 2017.