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- [161] 姜明顺 , 隋青美 , 贾磊 and 张法业. Acoustic emission localization technique based on fiber Bragg grating sensing network and signal .... ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 66, 2017.
- [162] 姜明顺 , 隋青美 and 刘晓慧. 在线型光纤法布里-珀罗折射率传感器及光谱分析方法研究. 《光学技术》, 43, 488, 2017.
- [163] 王静 , 隋青美 , 贾磊 and 王正方. The simultaneous measurement of temperature and mean strain based on the distorted spectra of hal.... Optics communications, 392, 153, 2017.
- [164] 隋青美 , 张法业 and 姜明顺. Temperature-independent optical fiber Fabry–Perot sensor based on hollow-core photonic crystal f.... Optik, 125, 3295, 2014.
- [165] 隋青美 and 姜明顺. 基于FBG传感网络和时间反转聚焦成像方法的声发射定位技术研究. 《中国激光》, 41, 0805003-1, 2014.
- [166] 隋青美 and 姜明顺. Composite plate low energy impact localization system based on FBG sensing network and hybrid alg.... Optical Fiber Technology, 24, 84, 2015.
- [167] 隋青美 and 姜明顺. Low Velocity ImpactLocalization on CFRP Based on FBG Sensors and ELM Algorithm. IEEE Sensors Journal, 15, 4451, 2015.
- [168] 隋青美 and 姜明顺. 基于数据模板匹配算法的FBG 冲击定位系统. 《光电子激光》, 25, 305, 2014.
- [169] 隋青美 and 姜明顺. 基于小波变换和支持向量多分类机的光纤光栅冲击定位系统. 《中国激光》, 41, 0305006-1, 2014.
- [170] 隋青美 and 姜明顺. Low velocity impact localization system of CFRP using fiber Bragg grating sensors. Optical FiberTechnology, 21, 13, 2015.