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王雷涛. Context inconsistency elimination based on user feedback and modified evidence theory. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 3, 473, 2013.
孙国霞. Adaptive Quantization for Predicting Transform-based Point Cloud Compression. 2021.
sunhuiqiang and sunguoxia. The early phase response of rat alveolar bone to traumatic occlusion. Archive of Oral Biology, 737, 2012.
sunguoxia. 独立环形对称Gabor特征及在人脸识别中的应用. 《计算机工程与应用》, 25, 178, 2011.
sunguoxia. Moving Target Detection Based on Genetic K-means. 2011 13th IEEE International conference on co, 2011.
sunguoxia and Liu Ju. An improved FRUC scheme based on motion vector refinement. 2014 12th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, 2014.