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孙柯. Study on Urea Crystallization Risk Assessment and Influencing Factors in After-Treatment System of Diesel Engines. Applied Sciences-Basel, 14, 2024.
孙文. Research on ECMS Based on Segmented Path Braking Energy Recovery in a Fuel Cell Vehicle. Energy Engineering: Journal of the Association of Energy Engineering, 121, 95-110, 2024.
孙柯. Management and active control of diesel engine exhaust products based on energy saving and environmental protection requirements. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN, 30, 5244-5253, 2021.
黄昌. Influence of Urea Uneven Injection on the Performances of a Diesel Engine. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19, 83-93, 2022.
胡潇宇. Modified boiling heat transfer model considering roughness and material of heating surface 考虑加热面粗糙度和材料的沸腾换热修正模型. 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》, 49, 1945-1950, 2019.
胡潇宇. Assessment of the Application of Subcooled Fluid Boiling to Diesel Engines for Heat Transfer Enhancement. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 17, 1049-1066, 2021.