Paper Publications
[1] Lee, Yunsoo. Managed transparency: Chinese government transparency. ASIAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE POLITICS, 2023.
[2] 孙宗锋. How Does Anti-Corruption Information Affect Public Perceptions of Corruption in China?. CHINA REVIEW-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL ON GREATER CHINA, 22, 113-143, 2022.
[3] 赵丹宁. 数据治理机构推动跨部门数据共享面临的困境及原因分析——基于山东两地市的案例分析. 公共管理与政策评论, 12, 156-168, 2023.
[4] 孙宗锋. 数字赋能何以变为基层数字负担?——一个整合性分析框架. 行政论坛, 31, 135-145, 2024.
[5] 赵丹宁. 数据治理机构推动跨部门数据共享面临的困境及原因分析——基于山东两地市的案例分析. 公共管理与政策评论, 12, 156-168, 2023.
[6] 孙宗锋. 流量时代城市敏捷治理体系及启示. 《东岳论丛》, 133, 2024.
[7] 孙宗锋. 数字赋能何以变为基层数字负担? ——一个整合性分析框架. 《行政论坛》, 135, 2024.
[8] 孙宗锋. 数字政府建设的理论基础、热点议题与发展趋势. 西安交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2023.
[9] 孙宗锋. 数字化协同治理的类型及其逻辑——以政务服务“跨省通办”为例. 电子政务, 2023.
[10] Yunsoo Lee and Zongfeng Sun. Managed transparency: Chinese government transparency. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics,
[11] Danning Zhao , Zongfeng Sun , Runan Bi and Ben Ma. Driving Factors of Social Policy Diffusion in China: An Event History Analysis of Public Rental H.... Journal of Asian Public Policy, 2022.
[12] 楼苏萍. To join the top and the bottom: the role of provincial governments in China's top-down policy dif.... Journal of Chinese Governance, 2022.
[13] 孙宗锋. How Does Anti-Corruption Information Affect Public Perceptions of Corruption in China. CHINA REVIEW-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL ON GREATER CHINA, 22, 113-143, 2022.
[14] Qiushi Wang and Zongfeng Sun. Geographic location, development of higher education and donations to Chinese non-public foundati.... Journal of Chinese Governance, 2021.
[15] Jintao Li and Zongfeng Sun. Does the transfer of state-owned land-use rights promote or restrict urban development?. Land Use Policy, 2021.
[16] Jintao Li and Zongfeng Sun. Urban Function Orientation Based on Spatiotemporal Differences and Driving Factors of Urban Const.... JOURNAL OF URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, 146, 2020.
[17] Zongfeng Sun and Jun Yang. Media Usage, Political Interest, and Citizen’s Issue attention to Government Annual Report in Ch.... Journal of Asian Public Policy, 1, 2020.
[18] Jintao Li and 孙宗锋. Spatiotemporal variations of land urbanization and socioeconomic benefits in a typical sample zon.... APPLIED GEOGRAPHY, 117, 1, 2020.
[19] sunzongfeng and 席嘉诚. 数字化协同治理的类型及其逻辑——以政务服务“跨省通办”为例. 电子政务, 2023.
[20] 赵丹宁 , 郭晓慧 and 孙宗锋. 数据治理机构推动跨部门数据共享面临的困境及原因分析-基于山东两地市的案例分析. 公共管理与政策评论, 12, 156, 2023.