Wang Gaowang   

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates



个人简介(Personal profile)

王高望(Gaowang Wang),山东大学经济研究院教授、博士生导师(Professor of Economics) 

主要研究兴趣(Major Fields of Interest):信息经济学、金融市场学、宏观经济学(Information Economics, Financial Markets, and Macroeconomics)

武汉大学(高级研究中心,IAS)经济学博士。历任山东大学副研究员(201407-201708)、山东大学副教授(201709-202012)、山东大学教授(202101-)。入选山东大学青年学者未来计划(2018)、山东大学齐鲁青年学者(2020)。在"Journal of Economic Theory", "Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control", "Journal of Financial Markets", "Economics Letters",《经济研究》、《经济学报》等经济学和金融学期刊发表29篇学术论文。担任"Management Science", "Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control", "Journal of Financial Markets", "Macroeconomic Dynamics", "Economics Letters", 《经济研究》、《世界经济》、《经济学季刊》、香港研究资助局和教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心等学术刊物和重要机构的匿名审稿人。

英文学术链接(Links to my research) (by VPN) (by VPN) (by VPN)


代表性文章(Selected Publications

(1)Stabilizing the financial markets through communication and informed trading, with Q. Guo and S. Huang, 2024, Journal of Financial Markets, 69, 100897. (经济研究院国际B类期刊)

(2)Government intervention through informed trading in financial markets, with S. Huang, Z. Qiu and X. Wang, 2022, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 141, 104379. (经济研究院国际B类期刊)

(3)The spirit of capitalism and optimal capital taxation, with F. Li and H. Zou (2020), Economics Letters 192. (经济研究院国际B类期刊)

(4)Romer meets Kongsamut-Rebelo-Xie in a nonbalanced growth model, with S. Li and J. Wang (2019), Economics Letters 174. (经济研究院国际B类期刊)

(5)Rational inattention and the dynamics of consumption and wealth in general equilibrium, with Y. Luo, J. Nie, and E. Young(2017), Journal of Economic Theory 172, 55-87.  (经济研究院国际A类期刊)


工作论文(Working Papers)

(1)政府救市、金融稳定与市场质量, 2023, 与郭琪合作, 《经济学季刊》R&R。

(2)The spirit of capitalism, innovation and growth, 2024, with H. Zou. 

(3)Data-Driven Innovation and Growth, 2024, with H. Li and L. Yang, work in progress.

(4)Revisiting China's gradualistic approach and financial markets, 2023, with H. Li, work in progress.

(5)Strategic trading under informed central bank intervention, 2022, with Q. Guo and L. Yang, work in progress.

(6)Government intervention with optimal price target, 2024, with Q. Guo, work in progress.

学术报告和学术会议(Conference and seminar Presentations)




2021:中央财经大学中国经济与管理研究院,(中国北京,5月25日);对外经贸大学国际经济与贸易学院(中国北京,5月26日);山东大学(威海)商学院(中国威海,6月22日);东北师范大学数学与统计学院(中国长春,7月23日(腾讯会议));JEDC 2021 Conference on Markets and Economies with Information Frictions(August 30-31), Presented by coauthor;第二届山东大学宏观经济学研讨会(山东大学经济学院,9月25日)



2015:Annual conference of the Society of Economic Dynamics(SED2015) in Warsaw, Presented by coauthor;Econometrica Society World Congress(ESWC2015) in Montreal, Presented by coauthor


所有发表文章(All Publications)

(29)Stabilizing the financial markets through communication and informed trading, with Q. Guo and S. Huang, 2024, Journal of Financial Markets 69, 100897.

(28)创新补贴、内生增长与产业结构转型:理论与实证,与李芳慧合作,2023, 经济学报,10(4),30-64。(中国人民大学复印报刊资料《产业经济学》2024年第5期转载)

(27)On the asymptotic performance of affirmative actions in school choice, with D. Feng and Y. Liu, 2023, Annals of Economics and Finance, 24(2).

(26)Government intervention through informed trading in financial markets, with S. Huang, Z. Qiu and X. Wang, 2022, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 141, 104379.

(25)Educational mismatch and income inequality, with R. Tang, 2021, Economic Modelling, 100.

(24)Uniqueness and determinancy of the Romer model, with R.Tang and J. Wang, 2020, Annals of Economics and Finance, 21-1, 71-83.

(23)The spirit of capitalism and optimal capital taxation, with F. Li and H. Zou, 2020, Economics Letters, 192.



(20)Romer meets Kongsamut-Rebelo-Xie in a nonbalanced growth model, with S. Li and J. Wang, 2019, Economics Letters, 174, 100-103.


(18The effects of macroeconomic policies in a Mercantilist economy ”, with H. Zou, 2018, Frontiers of Economics in China 13(2), 171-195.

(17)Rational inattention and the dynamics of consumption and wealth in general equilibrium, with Y. Luo, J. Nie and E. Young, 2017, Journal of Economic Theory 172, 55-87.

(16)Competitive equilibrium in an overlapping generations model with production loans”, with D. Wang and H. Zou, 2017, Frontiers of Economics in China, 12(2), 268-279.


(14)Robustness, the spirit of capitalism and asset pricing, with J. Yan, 2016, Economics Bulletin, 36(4), 1892-1903.








(6)Consumption externality and indeterminacy under increasing returns to scale and endogenous capital depreciation, with Heng-fu Zou, 2014, Economic Modelling, 38.




(2)Inflation aversion and the optimal inflation tax, with Heng-fu Zou, 2011, Annals of Economics and Finance, 2011, 12(1), 13-30.

(1)Inflation aversion and macroeconomic policy in a perfect foresight monetary model, with Heng-fu Zou, 2011, Economic Modelling, 28(4), 1802-1807.


"Annals of Economics and Finance"(x3), "Annals of Finance", "Applied Economics Letters", "Economics Bulletin", "Economics Letters", "Economic Modelling", "Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control"(x4), "Journal of Financial Markets", "Macroeconomic Dynamics", "Management Science", "Research Grants Council(RGC)of Hong Kong"(香港研究资助局)(5), 《经济研究》(x4),《经济学季刊》,《世界经济》(x2),《经济科学》(x4),《世界经济文汇》(x4),《经济理论与经济管理》,《中央财经大学学报》,《北京化工大学学报》,《纯粹数学与应用数学》,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心(教育部学位中心),中国博士后科学基金会。


(1)宏观经济学(山东大学本科生(微课堂和选修课), 2023年春,2024年春),教材"Macroeconomics" by Gregory Mankiw;

(2)高级宏观经济学(1)(山东大学CER研究生, 2014年秋,2015年秋,2016年秋,2017年秋,2018年秋,2019年秋,2020年秋,2021年秋,2022年秋,2023年秋,2024年秋),自编讲义;

(3)动态优化(山东大学CER研究生,2017年秋,2018年秋,2019年秋,2020年秋,2021年秋,2022年秋,2023年秋,2024年秋),教材"Dynamic Optimization" by Kamien and Schwartz;


(5)数理经济学(山东大学CER研究生,2017年春,2018年春),教材"Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics" by Stokey, Lucas and Prescott;

(6)中级微观经济学(中央财经大学CEMA本科生,2009年春),教材"Intermediate Microeconomics" by Varian;

(7)中级宏观经济学(中央财经大学CEMA本科生,2014年春),教材"Intermediate Macroeconomics" by Mankiw;

(8)动态优化(中央财经大学CEMA本科生,2015年春;CEMA研究生,2014暑期,2015暑期,2016暑期),教材"Dynamic Optimization" by Kamien and Schwartz;

(9)动态规划(中央财经大学CEMA本科生,2015年春,2016年春),教材"The ABC of RBC" by McCandeless, "Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics" by Stokey, Lucas and Prescott;

(10)常微分方程(中央财经大学CEMA本科生,2010年秋,2011年秋,2012年秋,2013年秋,2014年秋,2015年秋,2016年秋),教材"Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems" by Boyce DiPrima, "Differential Equations, Dynamic System and An Introduction to Chaos" by Hirsch, Smale and Devaney。

主持基金项目(Research Grants)














博士毕业生(PhD students)



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