  • Wang jianhong
  • Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Professor
  • Professor
  • Shandong Univesity


  • 1994.91998.7

     Wuhan University   Civil Engineering   Bachelor's Degree in Engineering   University graduated 

  • 2003.92005.9

     Waseda University   Tunneling and Underground structure   Master's Degree in Engineering   Master's Degree 

  • 2005.92008.7

     早稻田大学   Tunnelling and Underground structure   Doctoral Degree in Engineering   Postgraduate (Doctoral) 

Professional Experience

  • 2019.5Now

    Shandong university      School of Qilu Transportation      Professor

  • 2009.102019.6

    Nippon Koei      R&D center      Sennior research Engineer

  • 2008.42009.9

    Waseda University      Science &Engineering institute      Associate Professor

  • 1998.72003.8


  • 2019.6Now

    Shandong University      School of Qilu Transportation      Professor      Full-time      Teaching and research on the underground structure and infrastructure maintenance

  • 2009.102019.5

    Nippon koei Co. ,Ltd.      Research and Development Center      Engineering Reseacher      Full-time      Research and  technology development for Design and maintenance of Bridge, tunnel and municipal infr

  • 2008.42009.9

    Waseda Universtiy      Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering      Associate professor      full-time      Teaching and research for graduate student of civil engineering

  • 2000.92003.8

    日本 株式公司白石 / 鹿岛建设      设计部 / 前沿研究所      工程师      全职       竖井及桥梁抗震设计及减震分析

  • 1998.72000.8

    华北石油管理局 / 中国石油建设工程公司      石油机械一机厂      助理工程师      全职      民用建筑设计施工监理/桥梁基础

Social Affiliations

  • 2018.22020.1

    2018.2.-2020.1 日本土木学会隧道工学委员会执行委员

  • 2015.4Now

    2016.4- 2020.3 早稻田大学理工学研究所客 座研究员

  • 2014.42018.3

    2014.04-2018.03 日本国政府 [监测诊断技術研究委员会(RAIMS)]    委员

  • 2015.42017.3

    2015.04-2017.03 日本国政府 [未来河川施設的建设及运营委员会]     委员

  • 2015.4Now

     2015.06-至今 全寿命周期土木工程国际协会(International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering)  委员

  • Gender:Male
  • Alma Mater:Waseda Univesity
  • Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Status:Employed
  • Date of Employment:2019-05-24
  • Business Address:Ad.:12550 Erhuan East Road Jinan, Shangdong Province, 250002
  • Contact Information:Tel: +81-531-8635-8726  Fax: +81-531-8635-8759  Email: j.h.wang@sdu.edu.cn
  • E-Mail:wangxnxy@icloud.com
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