Paper Publications
Jun (Jeffrey) Wang, Ph.D., Associate professor in School of Civil Engineering at Shandong University. Dr. Wang obtained his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering of McMaster University in Canada after he graduated from Shandong University and Xi'an University of Technology, China with his M.Sc. degree and bachelor's degree in Hydrology and Water Resources, respectively. He wroked as municipal modelling specialists at CIMA+ and Cole Engineering Group (now Arcadis IBI) during 2019-2020. He joined Shandong University in December, 2020. Dr. Wang's reserach area focues on the hydrological modelling, stormwater management, low impact development practices design, water resources system planning, ecohydrology and water environment, etc. Dr. Wang has published nearly 30 peer-reviewed papers so far, served as the editorial board members for a few journals and as reviewers for more than 20 journals.
Featured Publications:
1.Wang, J.*, Diao, Y.,Cao, S*., Wang, J., Jia, J., Wang, J., Guo, Y. (2024). Towards cost-effective design of stormwater infiltration trenches: A hybrid model integrating cost-benefit analysis and an analytical stochastic approach. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (JCR Q1 IF=5 Accepted)
2.Liu, S., Liu, Y., Wang, A., Luo, Y., Li, W., Zhang, W., Mao, D., Wang, S., Mukherjee, I., Wang, J.*(2024) Machine learning-based prediction of landscape pattern variations: A case study in the Yushenfu mining area, northern Shaanxi, China. Environmental Earth Sciences (JCR Q2 IF=2.8 Accepted)
3.Wang, J.*, Jia, J., Cao, S.*, Diao, Y., Wang, J., Guo, Y. (2024) StRaWHAT: A stochastic rainwater harvesting assessment tool for rainwater harvesting performance assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production. (JCR Q1 IF=11.1 中科院1区Top) DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.140582
4.Wang, J.*, Jia, J., Cao, S.*, Diao, Y., Wang, J., Guo, Y. (2023) A new analytical stormwater model for bioretention systems considering both infiltration and saturation excess runoff generation processes. Journal of Hydrology. (JCR Q1 IF=6.4中科院1区Top) DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130500
5.Wang, J.*, Diao, Y., Cao, S., Jia, J., Wang, J., Guo, Y. (2023). The improved analytical stochastic model of infiltration trenches for stormwater quantity control. Science of the Total Environment. (JCR Q1 IF=9.8中科院1区Top) DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130500
6.Cao, S., Jia, J., Wang J.*, Diao, Y., Liu, Y., Guo, Y. (2023). Development of an analytical permeable pavement model for vehicular access areas. Science of the Total Environment. (JCR Q1 IF=9.8中科院1区Top) DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163686
7.王俊,王家昌,王海军,刘薇,王凯,刘阳,曹升乐* (2023). 基于CiteSpace与VOSviewer的水库防洪调度中文文献可视化分析. 水电能源科学,41(9). (中文核心)
8.刘薇,贾菁菁,刘阳,曹升乐 ,王海军,王凯,王俊* (2023). 考虑降雨空间异质性的流域洪水过程模拟研究. 水电能源科学,41(11). (中文核心)
9.Cao, S., Diao, Y., Wang, J., Liu, Y., Raimondi, A., & Wang, J.* (2023). KDE-Based Rainfall Event Separation and Characterization. Water, 15(3), 580. (JCR Q2 IF=3.4) DOI: 10.3390/w15030580
10.Liu, Y., Chong, F., Jia, J., Cao, S., & Wang, J.* (2022). Proper Pricing Approach to the Water Supply Cost Sharing: A Case Study of the Eastern Route of the South to North Water Diversion Project in China. Water, 14(18), 2842. (JCR Q2 IF=3.4)DOI: 10.3390/w14182842
11.Liu, Y., Wang, J.* et al. (2021). Copula-based framework for integrated evaluation of water quality and quantity: a case study of Yihe River, China. Science of the Total Environment. (JCR Q1 IF=9.8中科院1区Top) DOI: 10.3390/w14182842
12.Wang, J., & Guo, Y.* (2020). Dynamic water balance of infiltration-based stormwater best management practices. Journal of Hydrology, 125174.(JCR Q1 IF=6.4中科院1区Top) DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125174
13.Wang, J., & Guo, Y.* (2020). Proper sizing of infiltration trenches using closed-form analytical equations. Water Resources Management, 34(12), 3809-3821. (JCR Q1 IF=4.3) DOI: 10.1007/s11269-020-02645-x
14.Wang, J., & Guo, Y.* (2019). Stochastic analysis of storm water quality control detention ponds. Journal of Hydrology, 571, 573-584. (JCR Q1 IF=6.4中科院1区Top) DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.02.001
15.Wang, J. (通讯), Zhang, S., & Guo, Y. (2019). Analyzing the impact of impervious area disconnection on urban runoff control using an analytical probabilistic model. Water Resources Management, 33(5), 1753-1768. (JCR Q1 IF=4.3)DOI: 10.1007/s11269-019-02211-0
16.Wang, J., Guo, Y.* (2018). An analytical stochastic approach for evaluating the performance of combined sewer overflow tanks. Water Resources Research, 54(5), 3357-3375. (JCR Q1 IF=5.4中科院1区Top) DOI: 10.1029/2017WR022286
17.王俊,曹升乐,宋少文,查治荣. (2015).浅层地下水源地非汛期动态过程预警方法研究.人民黄河, 37(3), 58-61. (中文核心)
18.王俊,孙秀玲,曹升乐,等. (2014).东平湖老湖区生态环境需水量研究.人民黄河, 36(11), 77-80. (中文核心)
19.王俊,曹升乐,郭瑞, 等. (2013).胶南市风河水源地浅层地下水预警方法研究.水电能源科学, 31(10), 30-33. (中文核心)
20.王俊,曹升乐,于翠松,等. (2013). 胶南市风河浅层地下水源地非汛期预警及预警管理.水电能源科学, 31(12), 51-54. (中文核心)