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  • Fundamentals in Number Theory

    Spring 2023

    Schedule: Tuesday 14:00-15:50,Friday 10:10-12:00.

    Classroom: 董明珠楼211d.


    The purpose of this course is to introduce some classic topics in analytic and algebraic number theory. The topics include:

    1. Arithmetic functions.

    2. Elementary results on the distribution of prime numbers with applications and related results. 

    3. The Riemann zeta-function.

    4. Analytic proof of the prime number theorem.

    5. p-adic fields and the local-global principle of quadratic forms.


    [I] H. Iwaniec, Lectures on the Riemann Zeta Function.

    [IF] H. Iwaniec and E. Kowalski, Analytic Number Theory.

    [P] 潘承洞,《数论基础》.

    [S] J.-P. Serre, A Course in Arithmetic.

    [T] G. Tenenbaum, Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory.

    Lecture Notes:

    Lecture 1.pdf 2.24

    Lecture 2.pdf 2.28 & 3.3

    Lecture 3.pdf 3.7 & 3.10

    Lecture 4.pdf 3.14 & 3.17

    Lecture 5.pdf 3.21 & 3.24

    Lecture 6.pdf 3.28

    Lecture 7.pdf 4.4 

    Lecture 8.pdf 4.7 & 4.11

    Lecture 9.pdf 4.14 (Hand-written version, will later be replaced by a printed version) 


    2023Homework1.pdf due 2023.3.10

    2023Homework2.pdf due 2023.3.17

    2023Homework3.pdf due 2023.3.31

    2023Homework4.pdf due 2023.4.7

    2023Homework5.pdf due 2023.4.14

    2023Homework6.pdf due 2023.4.25

    2023Homework7.pdf due 2023.5.5

    Contact: Ke Wang, ke_wang@sdu.edu.cn. Office: 明德楼C706.