Affiliation of Author(s):School of Control Science and Engineering
Teaching and Research Group:Injection theory and application laboratry
Journal:Applied Thermal Engineering
Place of Publication:United Kingdom
Key Words:Automobile air-conditioning system; Ejector; Exhaust waste heat; Exhaust waste heat;
Abstract:A hybrid air-conditioning (A/C) system is proposed which consists of two cycles: (1) an ejector cycle driven by exhausted waste heat; and (2) a compressor A/C cycle. The system can operate under three modes: compressor, hybrid and ejector. Under the hybrid mode, the ejector driven by waste heat reduces the compression ratio (CR) of the compressor and boosts the compressor discharge pressure to the condenser pressure. The governing equations are derived based on energy and mass balances for each component of the system.
All the Authors:Zhao Hongxia,Chen Lin,严嘉
First Author:Lei Wang
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:Wenjian Cai
Document Type:J
Page Number:314-323
ISSN No.:1359-4311
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2015-10-29
Included Journals:SCI