Affiliation of Author(s):School of Control Science and Engineering
Teaching and Research Group:Injection theory and application laboratry
Journal:International Journal of Refrigeration
Place of Publication:Netherlands
Key Words:Superheated level; Non-equilibrium condensation; Ejector primary nozzle; Wet steam model
Abstract:In order to reduce the non-equilibrium condensation occurring in ejector primary nozzle, wet steam model was adopted to investigate the relationship between steam superheated level and non-equilibrium condensation within ejector primary nozzle. Simulation data of axial static pressure along primary nozzles were validated with experimental data reported in literature.The non-equilibrium condensation process from homogeneous nucleation to droplet growth stage and the resulting products were carefully studied.
All the Authors:杜忠勇,丁兆秋
First Author:王辰
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:Lei Wang,Zhao Hongxia
First-Level Discipline:Control Science and Engineering
Document Type:J
Page Number:214–226
ISSN No.:0140-7007
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2016-03-07
Included Journals:SCI