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教授 博士生导师
- [1] 王洋. Improved AB-CPREs with Revocability and HRA Security under LWE. IET Information Security, 2024, 2024.
- [2] Xu Liu, Mingqiang Wang, QCCA security of Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation in the Quantum Random Oracle Model, Africacrypt 2024, 239-259. (通讯作者).
- [3] Hao Lin, Mingqiang Wang, Jincheng Zhuang, Yang Wang, Hardness of Entropic Module-LWE, Theoretical Computer Science 999 (2024) 114553.
- [4] Yang WANG, Yanmin Zhao, Mingqiang WANG, Lattice-based key private PREs with HRA security and PCS security, Computer Standards & Interfaces 87 (2024).
- [5] LidongXu, MingqiangWang, Jing Qin,Quantum Bit Commitment Without Quantum Memory, The Computer Journal, 2023, 1–8, https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxad049(SCI, 通讯作者). 2023.
- [6] Lidong Xu, Mingqiang Wang,Quantum voting protocol without quantum memory, Frontiers in Physics, DOI 10.3389/fphy.2022.1023992(SCI, 通讯作者).
- [7] Lidong xu, Mingqiang wang, Jing Qin, Efficient Post quantum random oblivious transfer based on lattice, WASA 2022, LNCS 13471, 491-499(EI, 通讯作者). 2022.
- [8] Yang Wang, Mingqiang Wang, On the Hardness of NTRU Problems,Frontiers of Computer Science,Front. Comput. Sci., 2022, 16(6):166822,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11704-021-1073-6 (SCI, 通讯作者). 2022.
- [9] Lidong Xu, Mingqiang Wang,A QDS scheme based on superdense teleportation, Quantum Information Processing (2022) 21:220, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-022-03562-1(SCI, 通讯作者). 2022.
- [10] Hao Lin, Shi-Feng Sun, Mingqiang Wang, Joseph K Liu, Weijia Wang,Shorter Linkable Ring Signature Based on Middle-Product Learning with Errors Problem,The Computer Journal 2022. (SCI, 通讯作者). 2022.
- [11] Xiaolei Wang, Yang Wang, MIngqiang Wang, Lattice-Based Revocable Identity-Based Proxy Re-encryption with Re-encryption Verifiability, WASA 2022, LNCS 13471, 535-544(EI, 通讯作者). 2022.
- [12] Hao Lin, Mingqiang Wang, Repudiable ring signature: Stronger security and logarithmic-size, Computer Standards & Interfaces 80 (2022) 103562. (SCI, 通讯作者). 2022.
- [13] Fei Meng, Leixiao Cheng, Mingqiang Wang , Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption with hidden sensitive policy from keyword search techniques in smart city; EURASIP J Wireless Com Network (20.... 2020.
- [14] Xu Liu, Mingqiang Wang, Secure Generic Key Encapsulation Mechanism with Tighter Security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model,Public Key Cryptography May 9-13, 2021, Edinburgh, UK,PKC 2021, LNCS 1....
- [15] Fei Meng, Leixiao Cheng, Mingqiang Wang, ABDKS: Attribute-Based Encryption with Dynamic Keyword Search in Fog Computing, Front. Comput. Sci., 2021, 15(5): 155810,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11704-020....
- [16] Na Yue, Yang Wang, Mingqiang Wang, Identity-Based Proxy Re-encryption over NTRU Lattices for Cloud Computing. Procedia Computer Science 187 (2021) 264–269.
- [17] Yunkun Wang, Mingqiang Wang, A new efficient quantum digital signature scheme for multi-bit messages,Inscrypt 2020, LNCS 12612, pp. 385–394, 2021(EI, 通讯作者).
- [18] Yukun Wang, Mingqiang Wang, A New Fully Homomorphic Signatures from Standard Lattices, WASA 2020, LNCS 12384, pp. 494–506, 2020(EI, 通讯作者).
- [19] 王明强,庄金成,基于列表译码方法在查询访问模型下含错学习问题的分析, 电 子 与 信 息 学 报,Vol. 42(2), 322-326, 2020(EI).
- [20] 王洋, 沈诗羽, 赵运磊,王明强, 基于模格的密钥封装方案的比较分析与优化, 计算机研究与进展, DOI 10-7544.issnl000-1239.2020. 57(10):2086—2103,2020(EI).