Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:山东大学
Current position:
Teaching Experience
/ Result
- Gender:Male
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Alma Mater:山东大学
- Degree:Doctor
- Status:Employed
- School/Department:核科学与能源动力学院
- Date of Employment:1997-09-01
- Discipline:Management Science and Engineering
Thermal Power Engineering
Environmental Science and Engineering - Business Address:山东大学千佛山校区东配楼
- Academic Honor:
- 2021elected:Top-notch Talent of Shandong Province
- Honors and Titles:
- 2024-07-07 elected: 聊城市委员会应用型智库专家
- 2021-12-01 elected: 山东省智库高端人才
- 2020-10-01 elected: 山东省社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖
- 2012-12-01 elected: 山东省科技进步二等奖
- 2017-09-01 elected: 山东省社会科学优秀成果三等奖(省部级)
- 2015-09-01 elected: 山东省社会科学优秀成果二等奖(省部级)
- 2016-09-01 elected: 山东省社会科学优秀成果二等奖(省部级)