Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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蒋玉蛟 , 吕广世 and 王志伟. Averaged forms of two conjectures of Erdős and Pomerance, and their applications. Adv. Math., No. 108592, 42 pp., 2022.
黄炳荣 , 林永晓 and 王志伟. Averages of coeffients of a class of degree 3 L-functions. Ramanujan J., 57, 79--91, 2022.
王志伟. Three conjectures on P^+(n) and P^+(n+1) hold under the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture for friable integers. J. Number Theory, 223, 1--11, 2021.
蒋玉蛟 , 吕广世 and 王志伟. Exponential sums with multiplicative coeffcients without the Ramanujan conjecture. Math. Ann., 379, 589--632, 2021.
王志伟. Sur les plus grands facteurs premiers inférieurs à y d'entiers consécutifs (French). Ramanujan J., 49, 483--490, 2019.
王志伟. Autour des plus grands facteurs premiers d'entiers consécutifs voisins d'un entier criblé (French). Quart. J. Math., 69, 995--1013, 2018.