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Peng Xue#, Jingyang Zhang#, Lei Ma#, Mianxin Liu, Yuning Gu, Jiawei Huang, Feihong Liu, Yongsheng Pan, Xiaohuan Cao*, Dinggang Shen* “Structure-aware Registration Network for Liver DCE-CT Images,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 28, pp 2163-2174, 2024.
Peng Xue#, Yu Fu#, Jingyang Zhang, Lei Ma, Meirong Ren, Zhili Zhang, Enqing Dong*, “Effective lung ventilation estimation based on 4D CT image registration and supervoxels,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 79, pp. 104074, 2023.
Jingyang Zhang#, Peng Xue#, Mianxin Liu, Zhiming Cui, Yuning Gu, Yongsheng Pan, Jiawei Huang, Lei Ma, Dinggang Shen*, “Learning towards synchronous network memorizability and generalizability for continual segmentation across multiple sites,” International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2022.
Peng Xue, Enqing Dong*, Huizhong Ji, “Lung 4D CT Image Registration Based on High-Order Markov Random Field,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.39. No. 4 910-921, Apr, 2020.
Yu Fu#, Peng Xue#, Meirong Ren and Enqing Dong*, “Harmony Loss for Unballanced Predicction,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 828-839, Feb. 2022.
Peng Xue, Yu Fu, Huizhong Ji, Wentao Cui and Ening Dong*, “Lung Respiratory Motion Estimation Based on Fast Kalman Filtering and 4D CT Image Registration,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 25, No. 6 2007-2017, Jun, 2021.
Yu Fu#, Peng Xue#, Huizhong Ji, Wentao Cui*, Enqing Dong*, “Deep Model with Siamese Network for Viable and Necrotic Tumor Regions Assessment in Osteosarcoma,” Medical Physics, Vol. 47, No. 10, Oct, 2020.
Yu Fu#, Peng Xue#, Ning Li, Peng Zhao, Zhuodong Xu, Huizhong Ji, Zhili Zhang, Wentao Cui, Enqing Dong*, “Fusion of 3D Lung CT and Serum Biomarkers for Diagnosis of Multiple Pathological Types on Pulmonary Nodules” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 210, Oct. 2021.
薛鹏, 杨佩, 曹祝楼, 贾大宇, 董恩清*, “基于平衡系数的Active Demons非刚性配准算法,” 自动化学报, vol. 42 (9): 1389-1400, 2016.
Peng Xue,Enqing Dong*,Huizhong Ji, “High-Order Markov Random Field Based Image Registration for Pulmonary CT” Medical Image Understanding and Analysis-23rd Conference, MIUA 2019.
Yu Fu#, Peng Xue#, Peng Zhao#, Ning Li, Zhuodong Xu, Huizhong Ji, Zhili Zhang, Wentao Cui, and Enqing Dong*, “3D multi-resolution deep learning model for diagnosis of multiple pathological types on pulmonary nodules,” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 74-87, Jan. 2022.
哈尔滨工程大学  自动化  Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
山东大学  信息与通信工程  Doctoral Degree in Engineering