Paper Publications
- [17] . Search for the chiral magnetic wave using anisotropic flow of identified particles at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Physical Review C, 108, 2023.
- [18] . Measurement of electrons from open heavy-flavor hadron decays in Au plus Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV with the STAR detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023.
- [19] . Higher-order cumulants and correlation functions of proton multiplicity distributions in sNN =3 GeV Au+Au collisions at the RHIC STAR experiment. Physical Review C, 107, 2023.
- [20] . Measurements of the Elliptic and Triangular Azimuthal Anisotropies in Central He+Au, 4+Au and p+Au Collisions at & RADIC;SNN=200 GeV br. physical Review Letters, 130, 2023.
- [21] . Beam Energy Dependence of Triton Production and Yield Ratio (N_{t}×N_{p}/N_{d}^{2}) in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC. physical Review Letters, 130, 2023.
- [22] 纪赵惠子. Lambda polarization at the Electron-ion collider in China. NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES, 34, 2023.
- [23] . Transverse Lambda production at the future Electron-Ion Collider. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 2022.
- [24] 孙旭. 重离子碰撞中QCD物质整体极化的实验测量. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 72, 1-25, 2023.
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