Paper Publications
- [489] Xu Qinghua. Higher Moments of Net Proton Multiplicity Distributions at RHIC. physical Review Letters, 105, 022302-1, 2010.
- [490] Xu Qinghua. High pnonphotonic electron production in pp collisions at 200 GeV. Physics review D, 83, 052006-1, 2011.
- [491] Xu Qinghua. Growth of Long Range Forward-Backward Multiplicity Correlations with Centrality . Physics Review Letters, 103, 172301-1, 2009.
- [492] Xu Qinghua. Experimental studies of di-jet survival and surface emission bias in AuAu collisions via angular correlations with respect to back-to-back leading hadrons. Physical Review C, 83, 061901-1, 2011.
- [493] Xu Qinghua. Evolution of the differential transverse momentum correlation function with centrality in Au Au Collisions at 200 GeV. physics Letters B, 704, 467, 2011.
- [494] Xu Qinghua. Balance functions from Au + Au, d + Au, and p + p collisions at √sN N = 200 GeV. Physical Review C, 82, 24905-1, 2010.
- [495] Xu Qinghua. Azimuthal Charged-Particle Correlations and Possible Local Strong Parity Violation . physical Review Letters, 103, 251601-1, 2009.
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