The Last Update Time: 2019.10.21
鲍西雨. Voronoi-based splinegon decomposition and shortest-path tree computation. Computer aided geometric design, 2024.
王雯菲. Personalized Recommendation of User Interfaces Based on Foot Interaction. 2023.
栾洪秋. Multi-sensory Consistency Experience: A 6-DOF Simulation System Based on Video Automatically Generated Motion Effects. 2023.
荆睿. The Role of the Field Dependence-Independence Construct on the Curvature Gain of Redirected Walking Technology in Virtual Reality. 2023.
王露潼. Effective motion self-learning genre using 360 virtual reality content on mobile device: a study based on taichi training platform. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024.
王露潼. Focus on the Motion: Designing Adaptive Subtitles for Online Fitness Videos to Support Ubiquitous Exercises. 2023.