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- [41] 杨为民 , 刘斌 , 王静 , 林春金 , 杨磊 , 李尧 , 张庆松 and 张凤凯. Application of Ground Penetrating Radar to Detect Tunnel Lining Diseases based on Improved Full W.... NEAR SURFACE GEOPHYSICS, 2019.
- [42] 李梦天 , 张霄 and 杨为民. Sealing System Analysis of Rotary Piston Pump. 2019.
- [43] 杨磊 , 张波 , 杨为民 and 郭孔灵. 水力耦合作用下含三维裂隙类岩石材料的破裂力学行为及声发射特征. 《岩土力学》, 40, 4380, 2019.
- [44] 李术才 , 吴静 , 许振浩 and 杨为民. Mechanics Criterion of Water Inrush from the Coal Floor under Influence of Fault and Its Engineer.... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS, 2019.
- [45] 张乐文 , 吴静 and 杨为民. Prediction of water inflow in Tsingtao subsea tunnel based on the superposition principle. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019.
- [46] 孙子正 , 李术才 , 杨为民 and 闫晓. Evaluation of Effectiveness of CO2 Sequestration Using Portland Cement in Geological Reservoir Ba.... energies,
- [47] 王旌 , 周宗青 , 杨为民 , 林春金 , 李利平 , 高成路 Model test and numerical simulation research of water leakage in operating tunnels passing throug.... Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2019.
- [48] 薛翊国 , 邱道宏 , 杨为民 , 王者超 , 李术才 and 李志强. Identifying the geological interface of the stratum of tunnel granite and classifying rock mass a.... Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2015.
- [49] 刘斌 , 杨为民 , 李术才 and 聂利超. 饱水过程中类岩石材料波速和电阻率变化规律及其相互关系试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 34, 703, 2015.
- [50] 杨为民 , 李术才 , 聂利超 饱水过程中类岩石材料波速和电阻率变化规律及 其相互关系试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 34, 703, 2015.