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- [51] 周宗青 , 杨为民 , 林春金 , 李利平 , 王旌 and 高成路. Model test and numerical simulation research of water leakage in operating tunnels passing throug.... Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019.
- [52] 薛翊国 , 杨为民 , 邱道宏 and 苏茂鑫. Analysis and optimization design of submarine tunnels crossing fault fracture zones based on nume.... Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019.
- [53] 刘人太 , 杨为民 and 王晓晨. 考虑水泥浆液析水作用的水平裂隙注浆扩散机制研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 38, 1005, 2019.
- [54] 杨为民 , 李利平 and 李术才. Experimental Analysis on the Properties of Different Cement-Soils with Different Cement Content a.... 2016.
- [55] 张庆松 , 杨为民 and 李卫. 大跨硬岩地铁车站拱盖法开挖力学机制及适用性分析. 《应用基础与工程科学学报》, 27, 831, 2019.
- [56] 杨为民 , 周宗青 and 李利平. A true triaxial geomechanical model test apparatus for studying the precursory information of wat.... Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2019.
- [57] 李术才 , 许振浩 and 杨为民. Mechanics Criterion of Water Inrush from the Coal Floor under Influence of Fault and Its Engineer.... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS, 19, 2019.
- [58] 周宗青 , 杨为民 and 石少帅. A new set of scaling relationships for DEM-CFD simulations of fluid–solid coupling problems in s.... Computational Particle Mechanics, 2019.
- [59] 刘征宇 and 杨为民. 基于不完整边界先验信息的跨孔电阻率CT反演方法研究. 《岩土工程学报》, 41, 1124, 2019.
- [60] 杨为民 , 张波 and 杨磊. 高地应力–高水压下隧道突水模型试验系统的研制及应用. 岩石力学与工程学报, 36, 3992, 2017.