Xiaoye Yang
Associate Professor
Personal Information:
  • Name (English):
    Xiaoye Yang
  • Name (Pinyin):
  • Date of Employment:
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  • Education Level:
    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
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  • Alma Mater:
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates


杨小叶,博士,硕士生导师,山东大学青年学者未来计划入选人。主要从事肿瘤多模态治疗智能纳米体系的研究、新型生物材料的合成及应用等方面的研究。作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金青年基金,中国博士后科学基金,山东省自然科学基金等项目。作为第一作者或通讯作者在ACS Nano,Biomaterials, Journal of Controlled Release, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, Biomacromolecules 等国际一流期刊发表学术论文20篇作为第一发明人授权中国发明专利1项。




2023.09-至今   山东大学,药学院,副教授

2020.07-2023.09 山东大学,药学院,副研究员

2018.07-2020.07 山东大学,基础医学院,博士后

2016.08-2017.08 曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester),联合培养博士

2013.09-2018.06 山东大学,药学院,药剂学,硕博连读,博士

2009.09-2013.06 山东大学(威海),药学,学士


1. 高效铁死亡调控型递药系统的开发及其在疾病治疗中的应用

2. 肿瘤多模态治疗智能纳米体系的设计与开发

3. 新型生物材料的合成及应用


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目

2. 山东省自然科学基金青年项目

3. 山东大学青年学者未来计划

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助

5. 山东大学基本科研业务经费


1. 2023 年山东省研究生创新成果奖:基于铁死亡激活的抗肿瘤联合治疗体系的研究(指导教师)

2. 承担课程:




1. Y. Zhang#, X. Du, Z. He, S. Gao, L. Ye, J. Ji, X. Yang*, G. Zhai*. A vanadium-based nanoplatform synergizing ferroptotic-like therapy with glucose metabolism intervention for enhanced cancer cell death and antitumor immunity. ACS Nano. 2023;17(12):11537-56.

2. J. Ding#, Z. He, Y. Zhai, L. Ye, J. Ji, X. Yang*, G. Zhai*. Advances in metal-based nano drugs and diagnostic probes for tumor. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2024;501:215594.

3. Z. He#, H. Zhou, Q. Feng, Y. Zhang, S. Gao, S. Liu, L. Ye , J. Ji, Y. Xi, X. Yang*, G. Zhai*. A bimetallic dual-targeting nanoplatform for combinational ferroptosis activation/epigenetic regulation/photothermal therapy against breast cancer and tumor microenvironment remodeling. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024;479:147466.

4. X. Kong#, Z. He, Y. Zhang, Y. Fang, D. Liu, H. Wu, J. Ji, Y. Xi, L. Ye, X. Yang*, G. Zhai*. Intelligent Self-amplifying Ferroptosis-inducible nanoplatform for enhanced tumor microenvironment reconstruction and combination therapy. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023;468:143729.

5. Z. He#, H. Zhou, Y. Zhang, X. Du, S. Liu, J. Ji, X. Yang*, G. Zhai*. Oxygen-boosted biomimetic nanoplatform for synergetic phototherapy/ferroptosis activation and reversal of immune-suppressed tumor microenvironment. Biomaterials. 2022;290:121832.

6. Y. Zhang#, X. Du, S. Liu, H. Yan, J. Ji, Y. Xi, X. Yang*, G. Zhai*, NIR-triggerable ROS-responsive cluster-bomb-like nanoplatform for enhanced tumor penetration, phototherapy efficiency and antitumor immunity, Biomaterials, 278 (2021) 121135. 

7. X. Yang#, X. Shi, Y. Zhang, J. Xu, J. Ji, L. Ye, F. Yi, G. Zhai*, Photo-triggered self-destructive ROS-responsive nanoparticles of high paclitaxel/chlorin e6 co-loading capacity for synergetic chemo-photodynamic therapy, Journal of Controlled Release, 323 (2020) 333-349. (IF: 9.776)

8. X. Yang#, X. Shi, R. D'Arcy, N. Tirelli*, G. Zhai*, Amphiphilic polysaccharides as building blocks for self-assembled nanosystems: molecular design and application in cancer and inflammatory diseases, Journal of Controlled Release, 272 (2018) 114-144.

9. Y. Zhang#, N. Qiu, Y. Zhang, H. Yan, J. Ji, Y. Xi, X. Yang*, X. Zhao*, G. Zhai*, Oxygen-carrying nanoparticle-based chemo-sonodynamic therapy for tumor suppression and autoimmunity activation, Biomaterials Science, 9 (2021) 3989-4004.

10. L. Wang#, Y. Zhang, Y. Ma, Y. Zhai, J. Ji*, X. Yang*,G. Zhai*, Cellular drug delivery system for disease treatment. International Journal of Pharmaceutics2023;641:123069.

11. D. Liu#, S. Gao, Y. Zhai, X. Yang*, G. Zhai*, Research progress of tumor targeted drug delivery based on PD-1/PD-L1, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 616 (2022) 121527.

12. X. Yang#, H. Du, J. Liu, G. Zhai*, Advanced nanocarriers based on heparin and its derivatives for cancer management, Biomacromolecules, 16 (2015) 423-436.

13. X. Yang#, X. Cai, A. Yu, Y. Xi, G. Zhai*, Redox-sensitive self-assembled nanoparticles based on alpha-tocopherol succinate-modified heparin for intracellular delivery of paclitaxel, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 496 (2017) 311-326.

14. X. Yang#, X. Shi, J. Ji, G. Zhai*, Development of redox-responsive theranostic nanoparticles for near-infrared fluorescence imaging-guided photodynamic/chemotherapy of tumor, Drug Delivery, 25 (2018) 780-796. 

Research direction

No contents


1. . Zwitterionic biodegradable physical hydrogel based on ATRP technologyfor effective prevention of Postoperative Tissue Adhesion .Materials & Design.2023 (3)

2. 张雅楠. Oxygen-carrying nanoparticle-based chemo-sonodynamic therapy for tumor suppression and autoimmunity activation .BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE.2021 (9)

3. 杜希友. Transdermal delivery system based on heparin-modified graphene oxide for deep transportation, tumor microenvironment regulation, and immune activation .NANO TODAY.2022,46 (8)

4. 史晓群. Chondroitin sulfate-based nanoparticles for enhanced chemo-photodynamic therapy overcoming multidrug resistance and lung metastasis of breast cancer .Carbohydrate polymers.2021,254 (1)

5. 孔欣茹. Progress in tumour-targeted drug delivery based on cell-penetrating peptides .JOURNAL OF DRUG TARGETING.2021,30 (1)

6. 胡月. Tumor microenvironment-responsive size-switchable drug delivery nanosystems .EXPERT OPINION ON DRUG DELIVERY.2023,19 (3)

7. 方跃霖. Salt sensitive purely zwitterionic physical hydrogel for prevention of postoperative tissue adhesion .Acta Biomaterialia.2023 (3)

8. 张玉. A Vanadium-Based Nanoplatform Synergizing Ferroptotic-like Therapy with Glucose Metabolism Intervention for Enhanced Cancer Cell Death and Antitumor Immunity .ACS nano.2023 (17)

9. . Zwitterionic biodegradable physical hydrogel based on ATRP technologyfor effective prevention of Postoperative Tissue Adhesion .Materials Design.2023 (3)

10. 孔欣茹. Intelligent Self-amplifying Ferroptosis-inducible nanoplatform for enhanced tumor microenvironment reconstruction and combination therapy .Chemical Engineering Journal.2023,468 (15)

11. 刘善桂. The reversal of chemotherapy-induced multidrug resistance by nanomedicine for cancer therapy .Journal of Controlled Release.2021,335 (7)

12. Khan, Abdur Rauf. Chondroitin sulfate-based redox-responsive nanoparticles for melanoma-targeted drug delivery .JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.2021,60 (1)

13. 王汝娟. Redox-responsive hyaluronic acid-based nanoparticles for targeted photodynamic therapy/chemotherapy against breast cancer .Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.2021,598 (6)

14. 张雅楠. Oxygen-carrying nanoparticle-based chemosonodynamic therapy for tumor suppression and autoimmunity activation .BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE.2021,9 (99)

15. 冯启祥. Research progress of exosomes as drug carriers in cancer and inflammation .journal of drug targeting .2023,31 (4)

16. 王璐玥. Cellular drug delivery system for disease treatment .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS Journal.2023,641 (5)

17. 王璐玥. Celluiar drug delivery system for disease treatment .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS Journal.2023 (641(2023)123069)

18. 冯启祥. Research progress ofexosomes as drug carriers in cancer and inflammation .JOURNAL OF DRUG TARGETING.2023 (2022.2162059)

19. 赫志静. Oxygen-boosted biomimetic nanoplatform for synergetic phototherapy/ ferroptosis activation and reversal of immune-suppressed tumor microenvironment .BIOMATERIALS Journal.2022 (290)

20. 叶磊. A novel, liposome-loaded, injectable hydrogel for enhanced treatment of choroidal neovascularization by sub-tenon's injection .Materials Today Nano.2022 (20):100264

21. 翟光喜. Chondroitin sulfate-based nanoparticles for enhanced chemo-photodynamic therapy overcoming multidrug resistance and lung metastasis of breast cancer .CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS Journal.2021,254 (1)

22. 杨小叶. Research progress of tumor targeted drug delivery based on PD-1/PD-L1 .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS.2022 (616)

23. 翟光喜. RVG-functionalized reduction sensitive micelles for the effective accumulation of doxorubicin in brain. .J Nanobiotechnology.2021,19 (1)

24. 邱娜. A molybdenum oxide-based degradable nanosheet for combined chemo-photothermal therapy to improve tumor immunosuppression and suppress distant tumors and lung metastases .JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY.2021,19 (1)

25. 吴航. Development of Effective Tumor Vaccine Strategies Based on Immune Response Cascade Reactions .Advanced Healthcare Materials.2021,10 (13)

26. 翟光喜. A sonosensitiser‐based polymeric nanoplatform for chemo‐sonodynamic combination therapy of lung .Journal of Nanobiotechnology.2021 (19)

27. 刘善桂. The reversal of chemotherapy-induced multidrug resistance by nanomedicine for cancer therapy .Journal of Controlled Release.2021,335 :1

28. 杨小叶. NIR-triggerable ROS-responsive cluster-bomb-like nanoplatform for enhanced tumor penetration, phototherapy efficiency and antitumor immunity .BIOMATERIALS Journal.2021 (278)

29. Khan, Abdur Rauf. Chondroitin sulfate-based redox-responsive nanoparticles for melanoma-targeted drug delivery .Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology.2020 (2588-8943)

30. 刘梦瑶. Paclitaxel and quercetin co-loaded functional mesoporous silica nanoparticles overcoming multidrug resistance in breast cancer .Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.2020,196

31. Khan, Abdur Rauf. Chondroitin sulfate derived theranostic and therapeutic nanocarriers for tumor-targeted drug delivery .CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS Journal.2020,233

32. 杨小叶. Photo-triggered self-destructive ROS-responsive nanoparticles of high paclitaxel/chlorin e6 co-loading capacity for synergetic chemo-photodynamic therapy .Journal of Controlled Release.2020,323 :333

33. 张雅楠. Oxygen-carrying nanoparticle-based chemo-sonodynamic therapy for tumor suppression and autoimmunity activation .BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE .2020

34. 张雅楠. A sonosensitiser-based polymeric nanoplatform for chemo-sonodynamic combination therapy of lung cancer .JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY.2021,19 (1)

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