Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
Jie Shu and Hongbo Yin. Cube sums of the forms 3p and 3p^2 II. Mathematische Annalen, 2023.
Hongbo Yin. On the 8 case of the Sylvester conjecture. Transactions of the American Mathematics Society, 375, 2705, 2023.
Jie Shu, Xu Song and Hongbo Yin. Cube sums of the forms 3p and 3p^2. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 299, 2297, 2023.
Tonghai Yang, Peng Yu and Hongbo Yin. The lambda invariants at CM points. International Mathmatics Research Notices, 2021, 5542, 2023.
Yueke Hu, Jie Shu and Hongbo Yin. Waldspurger's period integral for newforms. Acta Arithmetica, 195, 177, 2023.
Yueke Hu, Jie Shu and Hongbo Yin. An explicit Gross-Zagier formula related to the Sylvester conjecture. Transactions of the American Mathematics Society, 372, 6905, 2021.
Tonghai Yang and Hongbo Yin. Difference of modular functions and their CM value factorization. Transactions of the American Mathematics Society, 371, 3451, 2023.
Tonghai Yang and Hongbo Yin. CM fields of dihedral type and the Colmez conjecture. Manuscripta Math., 1-22, 2024.
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