YU JunTao
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:北京航空航天大学
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
laiyifan , wangli , yujuntao , shiguibing , huxiaolu and gaozhifeng. Loss and Efficiency Analysis of the Brushless Direct Current Motor with an Amorphous Stator Core. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2023.
The Influence and Compensation Method of Eccentricity for Cylindrical Specimens in Eddy Current Displacement Measurement. Sensors, 2022.
压电式高速开关阀控液压缸位置系统. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2022.
大流量压电式高速开关阀设计与仿真测试. 机械工程学报, 2022.
Design and Simulation of high-flow high-speed on-off valve driven by piezoelectric. The 8th International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, 2022.
Research Projects
电机用超高性能稀土永磁制备及产业化, Provincial municipal and autonomous regional science and technology projects , 2023-01-01 , 山东省重点研发计划项目课题 第一位
高服役稳定性的烧结磁体材料产业化关键技术开发, Provincial municipal and autonomous regional science and technology projects , 2021-07-01 , 山东省重点研发计划项目课题 第二位
微特电机用高性能异方性粘结磁体应用技术, National Key Technologies R&D Program , 2021-12-31 , 国家重点研发计划项目课题 第二位
新一代非晶材料及磁悬浮高速永磁非晶电机研发, Provincial municipal and autonomous regional science and technology projects , 2019-07-01 , 山东省重点研发计划项目 第三位
新型压电直动先导式数字伺服阀关键技术与应用研究, Provincial municipal and autonomous regional science and technology projects , 2017-07-01 , 山东省自然科学基金 第一位