Paper Publications
[141] lihaiyan , sumaoxin , lishucai , zhangbo , zhanglewen and Sun Huaifeng. Characterization of shallow karst using electrical resistivity imaging in a limestone mining area. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76, 2017.
[142] yangweimin , zhangbo and yanglei. 高地应力–高水压下隧道突水模型试验系统的研制及应用. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2017.
[143] 李海燕 , zhangbo and 刘纪阳. 煤矿巷道二次支护锚固参数研究. 采矿与安全工程学报, 34, 962, 2017.
[144] lishucai , 王琦 , zhangbo and Yong Li. Model test study on surrounding rock deformation and failure mechanisms of deep roadways with thi.... Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2015.
[145] zhangqianqing , lishucai , liliping and zhangbo. Analysis on Response of a Single Pile Subjected to Tension Load Using a Softening Model and a Hyp.... Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 33, 167, 2015.
[146] wangweidong , zhuweishen , zhangbo and zhangdunfu. 偶应力理论下拉力型锚固体的受力特性. 计算力学学报, 89, 2015.
[147] Xue Yiguo , lishucai , zhangdunfu , zhangbo and qiudaohong. Vibration Characteristics in Subway Operation and Environmental Responses of Ancient Buildings. ?POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, 2014.
[148] lishucai and 张波. The Treatment on High Fluoride Groundwater. Advanced Materials research, 610-613, 2806, 2013.
[149] zhangdunfu , zhuweishen , lishucai , zhangbo and wangweidong. A modified maximum tangential tensile stress criterion for three-dimensional crack propagation. journal of rock and geotechnical engineering, 4, 62, 2012.
[150] lishucai , zhangbo and 邵冬亮. 单轴压缩条件下不同裂纹制作方式的裂纹破坏分析及其声发射特征研究. 山东大学学报( 工学版), 41, 131, 2011.
[151] lishucai , zhangbo and 孙国富. 大跨度钢管拱吊装中温度荷载效应分析及应用. 山东大学学报(工学版), 40, 96, 2010.
[152] lishucai and zhangbo. Seismic wave input study on nonliear three-dimensional viscoelastic artificial boundary. 0, 2392, 2009.
[153] 王学哲 , 张波 and 袁长春. 支井河特大桥考虑结构-地基相互作用模态分析. 铁道建筑技术, 17,18,24, 2008.
[154] 周勇 , 张波 and 李术才. 考虑结构-地基相互作用CFST拱桥地震反应分析. 中国矿业大学学报, 37, 652-657, 2008.
[155] 杨学英 , 王鹏 , 李元美 , 张波 and 朱艳丽. 结构-地基相互作用问题的有限元分析. 建筑科学, 24, 21-24, 2007.